Thursday, March 15, 2018

March 15, 2018 Thursday #unfitbit#prayersanswered#remember#Ides

Get Fit
I walked the gym at church today, I think they said 10 times around is a mile.  But once again when I looked on my pocket to check my mileage on my fitbit - it wasn't there.  Now I need to exercise my brain so I don't forget so much.  Another old person fail. :(

Get Faith
1 John 5:14 " Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us."  God is busy, be His hands and reach out with a visit, a call, a gift - anything in Christian love.  Go make disciples can mean reaching out in many ways.  When we act with confidence for God - we remember that He always hears our prayers.  Sometimes what you need is what you give - not what you get.

On this day
2013  Was a Friday.  I took Mom to the foot doctor and then took her and our neighbor Al to their hair appointment and then to a new restaurant on Harper - the Red Olive.  Mom and I had been there once before I think but it was a real surprise for Al.  The regular place she went to was one street over on the corner and she had been going there for lunch after her hair appt, for ever.  The place closed and she was lost.  First of all she was suffering from the onset on dementia or whatever it was, and any change was a problem.  At the new restaurant she was like a kid at Christmas and kept exclaiming "Wow, this is really nice."  Same the next week when we went.  She eventually went to live with her daughter.  It was really hard on her when my Mom passed.  I miss Al almost as much as I miss my Mom.  Hold these people dear to you - they may not remember you but you remember all that they have been and who they are.

44 BC - Roman Emperor Julius Caesar was assassinated by high ranking Roman Senators. The day is known as the "Ides of March." In case you didn't know what the Ides of March was.

Lulebargaz Turkey

Lüleburgaz, (Turkish: [lyˈlebuɾɡaz]BulgarianЛюлебургасLyuleburgas, or Беркулен, Berkulen), historically Arcadiopolis (GreekΑρκαδιούπολις/ΑρκαδιούποληArkadioupoli) is a town and district of Kırklareli Province in the Marmara region of Turkey.
Lüleburgaz 2013 (1).JPG
Lüleburgaz is located in Turkey
 This appears to be to the west of Istanbull.  Let's check out the current Turkey.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Terrie and Lloyd!

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