Wednesday, March 7, 2018

March 7, 2018 Wednesday #praynowthelinesareopen#AnatoliaandEasternThrace

Get Fit
Pilates for the washboard abs.  I don't have them but I keep trying.

Get Faith
James 5:16  "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."  Do you believe you are a righteous person?  I pray a lot - but when I read this I think of John or Sue or, of course Pastor at church to send up a better prayer than I can.  If we send up a prayer we hope it is powerful and effective, we want the healing, the help and the comfort we ask for.  Ephesians 6:18 says "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.  With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."  2 Chronicles 30:27  "The priests and the Levites stood to bless the people, and God heard them, for their prayer reached heaven, his holy dwelling place."  I believe our prayers are heard by Jesus, but I also think, Hey! it can't hurt to ask some heavy hitters to help.  The prayer line is always open.

On this day
2004  Nicole was home from Albion for the week, probably spring break.  Her old gang got together - Maddy, Melanie, Janet, Craig and probably others I didn't write down. They spent the night at Maddy's but still showed up at church the next morning.  She had a good group of friends that I never had to worry about what they were up to.  She was 19, it would have been too late by now, lol.  I didn't suffer empty nest because one, she was home a lot and two I had Mom living with me now.  Mom and I went to church and always had dinner together.  I miss her.

0322 BC - Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, died. So did two friends, Bobby Krupp and Joe Taormino

Lulebargaz Turkey

The history of Turkey, understood as the history of the region now forming the territory of the Republic of Turkey, includes the history of both Anatolia (the Asian part of Turkey) and Eastern Thrace (the European part of Turkey).
For times predating the Ottoman period, a distinction must be made between the history of the Turkish peoples, and the history of the territories now forming the Republic of Turkey, essentially the histories of ancient Anatolia and Thrace.[1][2]
The name Turkey is derived from Middle Latin Turchia, i.e. the "land of the Turks", historically referring to an entirely different territory of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, which fell under the control of Turkic peoples in the early medieval period.
From the time when parts of what is now Turkey was conquered by Turks, the history of Turkey spans the medieval history of the Seljuk Empire, the medieval to modern history of the Ottoman Empire, and the history of the Republic of Turkey since the 1920s.[1][2]  Finally!  some real infor on this location!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Lisa, Gregg and Kathy!

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