Saturday, March 17, 2018

March 17, 2018 Saturday # Happy St Patrick's day!#doajig#gateajar!

Get Fit
My suggestion to you is get out and dance an Irish jig and eat some corned beef and cabbage!  Embrace the day!  Be Irish and drink some beer - do everything is moderation or call someone to drive.  Life is so much to celebrate, the ethnic experience and the joy of being in fellowship with others rates real high on the "people that are happy" list.  AND, it is a Saints day so it must be good!

Get Faith - and begorrah.
So have faith by God.  Wow! two reference points today.  Isaiah 53:6  "We are the ones who strayed away like sheep.  We, who left God's path to follow our own.  Yet God load on him the guilt and sins of every one of us."  I read about a hymn that was written by a girl in the 1870 period this morning.  She wrote "A Gate Ajar!"  The chorus said "O depth of mercy! Can it be? ? That gate was left ajar for me?"  She was speaking of a gate to heaven but in this verse it relates to sheep that can stray, through an open gate.  Jesus is the guardian of the "gate", he is also the Shepherd that leads us to and through the gate.  He is also the lamb that sacrificed Himself for us, the sheep, so we are invited  through the gate to heaven.  Listen for your Master's voice.

On this day
2015  This was a busy year.  Mom started off going to the hospital and then to rehab.  She was at Heartland at this time and unbeknownst to me at the time a great friendship began.  Pastor Krister was our interim Pastor at the time and he paid Mom a visit at the rehab.  She loved him, he is the kind of Pastor that is hard to dislike, I would say.  At this time I was deeply involved trying to finish my book and get it published and that was exciting and time consuming.  Later that day my friend Pam joined Waynette, Judy and I at Triumphant Cross to serve dinner for the homeless group they had that week.  It was a busy day, but all with good memories, none of which pertained to St Patricks day.

1776 - British forces evacuated Boston to Nova Scotia during the Revolutionary War. I wonder how Nova Scotia is in March - not great I would think and I wonder of there are Irish up there?  I don't think these Brits got home any too soon this year.

Lulegarbaz Turkey 


Recep Tayyip Erdogan.PNGBinali Yıldırım.jpg
Tayyip Erdoğan
Binali Yıldırım
Prime Minister
Constitutionally, Turkey is a parliamentary representative democracy. Since its foundation as a republic in 1923, Turkey has developed a strong tradition of secularism.[131] Turkey's constitution governs the legal framework of the country. It sets out the main principles of government and establishes Turkey as a unitary centralised state. The President of the Republic is the head of state and has a largely ceremonial role. The president is elected for a five-year term by direct elections and Tayyip Erdoğan is the first president elected by direct voting.
Executive power is exercised by the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers which make up the government, while the legislative power is vested in the unicameral parliament, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature, and the Constitutional Court is charged with ruling on the conformity of laws and decrees with the constitution. The Council of State is the tribunal of last resort for administrative cases, and the High Court of Appeals for all others.[132] The prime minister is elected by the parliament through a vote of confidence in the government and is most often the head of the party having the most seats in parliament. The prime minister is Binali Yıldırım, who replaced Ahmet Davutoğlu on 24 May 2016.  Lets look into more up to date times.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Jeff  W and Aunt Betty in heaven!

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