Sunday, March 25, 2018

March 25, 2018 Palm Sunday # Whirling Dervishes!

Get Faith
Mark 11:9-10  "Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted,  "Hosanna!"  "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord"  "Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!"  "Hosanna in the highest!" "  The Triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  Welcomed like a king.  They laid down palms in the road so the dust would not rise up to dirty them or choke them.  Praised.  They wanted a king to upset the Romans who enslaved them.  They hoped He would save them from their misery.  They didn't know.  We celebrate Palm Sunday today with the knowledge of what the week ahead brings.  Holy week indeed.

On this day
1984  My fiancee, Mark and his sister went to the junk yard.  That used to be a thing for a lot of people.  I know my friend Pat that has the ice cream trucks does that but I wonder if anyone else does.  I imagine I am just out of that loop.  Mark was pretty handy with fixing things so he was probably finding a cheap remedy for Jan and her vehicle.  While he was gone I put a turkey in the oven.  Later on Tony, Teresa, Fly and his wife and Lou came over for dinner.  I still love to feed people! 

1306 - Robert the Bruce was crowned king of Scotland.  He didn't get a Sunday named for him though.

Lulebargaz Turkey
8. Konya (Where to Stay)
One of the oldest cities in the world and best known for its remarkable Seljuk architecture and Whirling Dervishes, Konya is a large city in Turkey’s Central Anatolia Region. In the 12th and 13th centuries, Konya prospered as a capital city under the rule of the Seljuk Dynasty. Today, buildings from that era can still be admired such as the Alaeddin Mosque and the ruins of the Seljuk Palace. Konya was also the home of the Persian theologian and Sufi mystic, Rumi. His mausoleum is a must-see site in Konya. Rumi’s followers founded the Mevlevi Order, better known as the Whirling Dervishes due to their religious ceremonies in which they spin around and around on the left foot while wearing white, billowing gowns.   Wow!  Whirling Dervishes!  who hasn't heard of this?  Let's check them out today!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Don and Chris K!

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