Friday, March 2, 2018

March 2, 2018 Friday #Jillian#favorandwisdom#Jigsaw!#RoadfromRome!

Get Fit
I got through quite a few repetitions with Jillian today, not bad for 71.  When people around you have health issues it tends to spur you to take better care, don't you think?  Get some reps in for yourself, Jillian is a great trainer!

Get Faith
Acts 7:99-10  "God was with (Joseph) and delivered him out of all his troubles, and gave him favor and wisdom."  This is Paul remembering the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis.  Bad things happened to Joseph but God meant them for good.  It's a good story to read and remember if you feel like your life is in the toilet.  Good things can happen if you listen for God's word to lead you.  Very often we learn our best lessons out of a bad experience ... listen.

On this day
1996   Was a Saturday and Nicole and I were working on a puzzle.  Probably that puzzle that was 2 sided that Chris gave us for Christmas.  It was a picture of an apartment building with windows you could see the people inside.  The other side had talk balloons that matched up with the windows.  We had it on a storm window and put a screen over the top to keep the cat away.  It was quite a project!!  Later in the day Nicole went over to our friends the Nieto's and Mom and I went to the movies to see Braveheart.  If you are interested in a great jigsaw puzzle to frustrate you I suggest you  find that one.

1836 - Texas declared its independence from Mexico and an ad interim government was formed. This is for you Linda

Luleburgaz Turkey
Ancient Turkey  from Rome til today.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Barbara and Megan

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