Saturday, March 3, 2018

March 3, 2018 Saturday #Yoga!#LetJesusin!#Springbaseball!#Mints#sunrise!

Get Fit
Pick a day to do yoga.  I love my easy AM yoga on Saturday mornings and look forward to it.  I know a lot of people that do yoga. The younger ones go the balance stands and extreme bends that I used to do, but am kinder to myself now.  I know people my age that go to classes on a regular schedule and that is great!  It helps with agility, balance and an overall feeling of wellness.  I think guys shy away from this, but a lot of the instructors are guys - you should be able to enjoy this too!

Get Faith
Revelation: 3:20  " (Jesus said.) "Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with Me."  So, I don't know what you think heaven is like, but, consider this verse and rethink your future.

On this day
1997  This entry makes me happy.  It reminds me that spring IS just around the corner.  I met Peggy at the meeting to get the county baseball leagues started.  I assisted Peggy with the girls St Clair Shores team for 8 years, we had maybe, a better time than the girls had.  I could practice catch with the girls but Peggy was a pro.  Nicole had started playing at 5 and quit when she got to high school.  It was a great sport that empowered her to feel good about playing all the sports that she loved.  She was a natural athlete and moved from one sport to another effortlessly.  But, baseball, that was my game.  So welcome spring and the season of baseball starting soon!

1791 - The U.S. Congress passed a resolution that created the U.S. Mint. I love York Peppermints!!

Lulebargaz Turkey
Sunrise in Lulebargaz. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Bob B!

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