Friday, March 30, 2018

March 30, 2018 Good Friday #PraiseHim#Busy!#EphesusDayTrip

Get Faith
Psalm 34:1  "  I will bless the Lord at all times.  His praise shall continually be in my mouth."  There is no better day to take this to heart than today.  Who else has suffered the pain and humility that Jesus did on this remembered day?  Who else do you know  that died in such a horrific manner to give you life eternal?  As they  say, many have died for us for our freedom and for our way of life.  Jesus alone died to save you from yourself and prepare a home in eternity with him.  Praise Him.

On this day
1992   I know how busy families are and we have made it more difficult by having two homes where we share children.  It is just the way it is.  I was at work this day and Nicole was in school all day and then one of the grandmothers picked her up. (I was fortunate)  The problem was Aaron needed his ice skates or maybe his roller blades  and his Mom who lived way north of us and worked way west of us had to drive over to pick them up.  I mean, you can't pack up half a truck of stuff and move it back and forth every weekend.  We managed though as I am sure you do.  The ideal is to have parents stay together.

1533 - Henry VIII divorced his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. I'm thinking this guy was in real trouble with 7 ex wives.  Of course he had peons to shuffle children etc, around.

Lulebargaz Turkey


Private Tour: Ephesus Day Trip

From $110.00
  • Private Tour: Ephesus Day Trip
  • Explore Ephesus, one of the "Seven Wonders of the the Ancient World'
  • Marvel at the Fountains of Trojan and the Temples of Hadrian and Domition
This looks like a great way to end our time in Turkey!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Diedre, Jayne and David P!!!

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