Sunday, March 18, 2018

March 18, 2018 Sunday #goodhealth#stayhealthy#quiet/chaos#Laterncouncil#Turkey/China

Get Fit  
The Bible tells us that our bodies are temples - a place to worship God.  It also says that cleanliness is next to holiness.  Keeping your health and strength up is a good idea for a lot of reasons. 

Get Faith
1 Timothy 4:8  "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."  I am a caretaker and I know that I am.  If my family or a friends need care they can depend on me.  In that knowledge I feel like I have to keep my health up, and my strength to be what God intends me to be.  At 71, I believe I have many years of service left and hope I can be there when needed.  We need to keep our health up for this life and our bodies strong for the life to come.  We are told we get our bodies back on the resurrection - what is yours going to look like?  Just kidding, I'm pretty sure they will be in the best shape possible in heaven. 

On this day
2017  Last year was the kind of day I like, a little productive and cooking for friends and family.  I cooked corned beef for Waynette and I and then we watched a movie "Hacksaw Ridge".  Couldn't have been too good, I remember nothing about it, probably a western or a war movie.  I consider a day a good thing when nothing bad happens to interrupt my quiet plans.  Ha, that's not true - I thrive on someone calling and telling me they had a flat tire and could I come and get them.  LOL

1123 - The first Latern Council (9th ecumenical council) opened in Rome. 
The Council of 1123 is reckoned in the series of Ecumenical councils by the Catholic Church. It was convoked by Pope Callixtus II in December, 1122, immediately after the Concordat of Worms. The Council sought to: (a) bring an end to the practice of the conferring of ecclesiastical benefices by people who were laymen; (b) free the election of bishops and abbots from secular influence; (c) clarify the separation of spiritual and temporal affairs; (d) re-establish the principle that spiritual authority resides solely in the Church; (e) abolish the claim of the emperors to influence papal elections.  Wow I know why I never heard of this - it is probably something Luther would have stricken from the book.

Lulebargaz Turkey

It is full steam ahead with promotion of Turkey in China including trade fairs, television adverts, magazine features and training for travel agents from both countries. But will all this demanding work pay off? Will the Chinese year of tourism in Turkey boost visitor stats and in turn, the Turkish economy? Read more here - This looks like an interesting link!!

Enjoy the day! Make it memorable! Happy Birthday to Mary Beth and Beth!

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