Thursday, March 8, 2018

March 8, 2018 Thursday#toflushotornot#sorrowtohope#wakitoff!#Asiaminor

Get Fit
Flu.  I might or might not have it, if I do it is a mild case, just enough to put me off my routine.  Do you get a flu shot?  I started when I took my Mom to the doctor and he said it was a good thing for the caretaker to get the shot also - and I have been getting one ever since.  I don't get the high fever, throwing up, completely down type of flu.  Mine are usually just not feeling up to par.  I found this out last year when I went to the hospital and they quarantined me with respiratory flu for 3 days.  I didn't feel that sick but because I had just had surgery I went along with their advice.  They swabbed and said I had it but I wasn't that ill- I thought.   So, point is - I swear by the shot, for me anyway.

Get Faith
Romans 5:3-5  "Tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character, and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."  This is a great chain reaction.  Its like planting a seed of sorrow and growing it into a huge beautiful thing that benefits you.  Another gift from God.  "those who hope in the Lord....."

On this day
2005  Was a Monday and I had gall bladder surgery on Friday.  I was at work and everyone was calling to see how I was, etc.  I had received many get well cards and prayers and so, I was fine.  When I went to the Doctor the following Friday to get the staples out he said "well you seem to feel fine if you want to go to work on Monday, just take it easy."  I told him, "Huh?  I went back to work last Monday".  He just shook his head.  I believe I get my stamina from my Mom and my grandmother.  My grandmother had children in the early 1900's, my dad was the last in 1920.  She never went to the hospital, had them all at home, including a set of twins.  It isn't a contest - you be you!

2005 - In norther Chechnya, Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov was killed during a raid by Russian forces.  did you think was a recent war/event  - 13 years ago this happened.

Lulebargaz Turkey
The ancient history of Anatolia (Asia Minor) can be roughly subdivided into two prehistoryAncient Near East (Bronze Age and Early Iron Age), Classical AnatoliaHellenistic Anatolia, with Byzantine Anatolia spanning the early medieval period to the age of the Crusades and the eventual Turkish (Seljuk/Ottoman) conquest of Anatolia by the 15th century.[incomprehensible]
The earliest representations of culture in Anatolia were Stone Age artifacts. The remnants of Bronze Age civilizations such as the HattianAkkadianAssyrian, and Hittite peoples provide us with many examples of the daily lives of its citizens and their trade. After the fall of the Hittites, the new states of Phrygia and Lydia stood strong on the western coast as Greek civilization began to flourish. They, and all the rest of Anatolia were relatively soon after incorporated into the Achaemenid Persian Empire.This is an amazing, interesting history to read!  An ancient civilization that gave the modern world so much!  Check it out!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday Ryan!

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