Tuesday, March 27, 2018

March 27, 2018 Tuesday #Yoga!#Grace!#sharefaith#caveexplore!

Get Fit
Ok' we are all trying to lose weight and get in shape for Spring, right?  There is a location on line:
http://www.intelliwiser.com/?p=4857  Try this.  I have a video of these poses at home.  Get started on a few poses and start the day with them for a week.  Strength, balance and breathing are the things you should notice getting better.

Get Faith
Philippians 4:213  "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit."  Grace is a huge thing.  The grace of God is monumental.  Ephesians 2:5  "it is by grace you have been saved"  For you have been saved by grace and not by good works."  There is nothing, NOTHING you can do to save yourself - you are forgiven by the grace of God through His Son Jesus the Christ.  You only need to believe.  Let your spirit soak up that grace today and enjoy His peace.

On this day
1986  This was Maunday Thursday this year and Mom, Mark and I took the kids to church for the service and communion.  It is a good memory for me, my husband seldom joined us for church.  It was probably acceptable to me because my father never went either. 

1986 - Sammy Hagar played his first show as lead singer of Van Halen This was something near and dear to my husbands heart - Van Halen.  (I liked it too.)

Lulebargaz Turkey sightseeing
You can walk to down entrance via special path which is located near to many springs.
There are so many picnic tables for visitors
Lightning and electricity of cave supported by diessel power generator because place is far from residential area.
Cave has two gates One of is top and other one is bottom but bottom entrance is very cold and wet because of droplets.
Top side entrance has 700 steps stairs to bottom but you can reach from outside of the hill.
Dupnisa CaveSo many beautiful places in this world!!  I'm not much on caves though.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Linda, Jennifer and Tim!!!

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