Thursday, March 22, 2018

March 22, 2018 Thursday #Trythis#Friend#readtime#perfectevening!

Get Fit

Full detailed video :

#homeweightloss #homeworkout #bodyweightworkouts #fatloss #fatlosstips #workout #womenfitness #womenweightloss #weightlossdietplan #flatabs #tummy #tummyworkout #fitnessblogger #fitnessmotivation #nogymneeded#fitness #indianblogger  Here is a workout for the problem we all have  and want under control by summer!  Check it out!

Get Faith
John 15:15-16  "(Jesus said.)  "I have called you friends..You did not choose Me but I chose you..."
How cool is that to be chosen by God.  From the moment you were born He picked you to be His!  I have a lot of friends that are very dear to me.  I love them for the different things we have in common, memories mostly, but on going life as well.  I miss them when I don't see them.  Thanks to social media I am in constant touch with some of them - even the ones out of state and country.  Not to diminish the importance of their friendship - but really?  Jesus wants me for a friend?  Now, that's eternal!!  He wants you as a friend too!

On this day
1978  This is usually a bad time of year for me.  So often I am down with a cold or bronchitis, etc.  This year says the same - "didn't work still down w/ cold - bed all day..."  I loved to read, especially in those days, a good romance novel, so I don't think I minded being sick, it actually sounds great - in bed all day reading.  Ha!  That's not gonna happen.  And praise God (and knock on wood)  I have not had a cold, flu or bronchitis etc this year all season!  I could use something right now I have a pile of reading material to catch up on.  Careful what you wish for!

1978 - Karl Wallenda, of the Flying Wallendas, fell to his death while walking a cable strung between to hotels in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I wonder if they were insured and if so how much they had to pay.

Lulebargaz Turkey
Hotel Amira IstanbulWow!  I hope this is where we are staying!  Looks beautiful!  What were you expecting?  This is in Istanbul.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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