Sunday, March 4, 2018

March 4, 2018 Sunday #Livingwater#teachertime#hackers#Turkishcoffee!

Get Faith
Isaiah 55:1  "Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters.."  Sunday is a good day to come to the waters.  Water is important.  It is essential to life.  Jesus is the true water of life, He quenches a thirst that cannot otherwise be quenched.  Do you find sitting and looking out on a body of water calming?  Think about how that makes you feel and know that God gives you that same peace and calm in the knowledge of our Savior Jesus the Christ.  He removes the stress, fear and sadness from our lives and replaces it with hope.  Drink up some Jesus today - go to church.

On this day
1998  Nicole had a half day but I had to work, she was 13 and liked to be home alone sometimes.  I stopped at school for Parent/teacher conference on my way home.  I always went to them.  It is important to keep that face to face with your child's teacher.  They know you care about your child's progress and can feel out the child's family situation.  My meetings usually ended up with us laughing about some prank or funny thing that happened with Nicole.  She was an entertainer and endeared herself to everyone. When you begin to think conferences are not important - so will your child.

1998 - Microsoft repaired software that apparently allowed hackers to shut down computers in government and university offices nationwide. Ok, this was 20 years ago and how we doing?

Luleburgaz Turkey

Brunch anyone? 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Dave B!

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