Thursday, January 31, 2019

January 31, 2019 Thursday#Powerovernature#healing#StufforTime?#DaytriptoSardinia

Get Faith
Mark chapter 6  "Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before the people; and he divided the two fish among them all.  And all ate and were filled; and they took up twelve baskets full of broken pieces and of the fish."  This is the third week after Epiphany and this theme is how Jesus manifests his power over nature.  The 5,000 or more people who were following Him were doing so for a reason.  They believed he was powerful in what He said and did.  They knew they were in the presence of something wonderful and great for them.  On this day he answered their need for food by asking God to bless it and then having enough to feed all of them with what started out as five loaves and two fish.  In accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior you become one of the chosen, a child of God, adopted by Him to belong to the family of God, forgiven and loved.

Get Fit
And with this horrible weather of sub degree temps we need to stay healthy.  My daughter goes to the gym.  I stick to working out in the morning and did stretches and things that are not irritating my hip.  After going to the chiropractor yesterday,  I still cleaned house and paid the price.  I am a firm believer in keep moving.  What about you?  Do you rest until it goes away? Or do you try to find ways to heal faster and maybe do damage?  It is a hard call.

On this day
1989  Nicole was 4 and went to Co-op, which was in our church school building.  She loved it from the very first day.  It probably helped that she had been attending Sunday School in this building since she was two and I was probably downstairs working on Sunday School as I was the Superintendent of the Sunday School.  I think kids get used to situations like day care and it makes it easier to transfer into regular school, so much now that kindergarten goes full days in a lot of cases.  I had a mom that was home all of the time and I was home with Nicole till she was 8.  I feel like kids have a stronger sense of family and security when home with loved ones.  My girlfriend Pam is caring for her two grandsons right now and I feel like they are doing well because of that.  I understand the both parents work now a day, but, I can't help but think less "stuff" is better and more "time" makes a difference.  I know you have an opinion on this.

1747 - The first clinic specializing in the treatment of venereal diseases was opened at London Dock Hospital.   Well, what can be said about that?  I know that many people died of it in insane asylums.

From Arezzo Italy to Bosa Sardinia
Map of Italy
So here we see Arezzo north east of Rome.  I think a nice drive down to Rome and then a boat ride over to Sardinia would be super today!  How about it?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Cathy D, Alison C and Robert B!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

January 30, 2019 Wednesday #Knowit!#nothip#dirtyDancing#SeeArezzo!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 6  "King Herod heard of it, for Jesus' name had become known.  Some were saying, "John the baptizer has been raised from the dead, and for this reason these powers are at work in him."  But others said "It is Elijah."  And other said, "It is a prophet, like one of the prophets of old." But when Herod heard of it, he said, "John whom I beheaded, has been raised."  We always want to make sense of what we don't know, like those who imagined Jesus was someone else.  Someone that they could relate to and understand.  Herod of course was terrified to think someone he killed had come back to life.  When you don't understand something you can get confused and apply what you do know to that circumstance.  What  we need to do is read the Gospel stories, read the old testament promises and understand what God meant for the world in sending His Son the Christ to save us.  But, you have to understand and believe the Word.  Pick up your Bible - don't take my word for it.

Get Fit
So I have a day off and wanted to dance with Richard but my hip says no.  Going to the chiropractor to see if I can get back to my normal self.  I miss my fitness.

On this day
1988  This is the third day of many that I watched Dirty Dancing.  Marty had brought the movie home and I had watched it everyday since.  Norma came over and watched it with me.  The music and the people were such a memory for us of the 60's.  I couldn't get enough of the dancing and of course Patrick Swayze.  What a great movie, maybe I'll watch it today!  should warm up this 7 below day!

1649 - England's King Charles I was beheaded. Well he didn't have a good day - how barbaric.  Still going on today in some places.

Arezzo Italy
Go to You tube and see some beautiful videos of Arezzo, so beautiful.  There are a lot, have a glass of wine and enjoy!  Tomorrow we move!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Dave M!

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

January 29, 2019 Tuesday#Believe#Kostere#MonaLisa#St DonatoePietro

Get Faith
Mark chapter 6  "Prophets are not without honor, except in their hometown, and among their own kin, and in their own house."  And he could do no deed of power there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and cured them.  And he was amazed at their unbelief."     Do you understand that his own family and neighbors, because they saw him grow up as a child - did not believe that he was the promised savior?  So, that tells us that what he did, and what he taught is for the believers, that those who believe in Him receive his healing and peace.  Do you believe?

On this day
1987   Nicole was two and Mom and I  took her over to Julie's house to play with her new baby Laura.  On the way home I had to stop at the pediatrician for Nicole to get her DTP shot.  I immunize!  At home I ordered flowers for Kostere  and then went to the funeral to pay my respects.  This man suffered incarceration in Russia and escaped the cold jail in Siberia on ski's with another man.  He was the kindest and most loving man I have met and could put away more vodka than any I knew also.  He was my friend Pete's grandfather.  The other man he escaped with wrote a book about their travels and Pete had it - in Russian.  I'd like to find it in English.

1987 - "Physician’s Weekly" announced that the smile on the face of Leonardo DeVinci's Mona Lisa was caused by a "...facial paralysis resulting from a swollen nerve behind the ear." So much for the secrecy theory.

Arezzo Italy
Cathedral of Ss. Donato e Pietro in Arezzo
Cathedral of Ss. Donato e Pietro in Arezzo - Credit: Luca Aless

Monday, January 28, 2019

January 28, 2019 Monday#Bebaptized#Challenger#Winetasting!

Get Faith
John chapter 3  "Jesus answered, " Very truly,I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.  What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the spirit is spirit.  do not be astonished that I said to you, 'You must be born from Above.'""    Nicodemus could not imagine how he could climb back into his mother to be reborn - so don't be surprised if you feel the same way.  You stand a better chance of understanding if you are baptized, which is into the Holy Spirit, in understanding the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.  It "turns on the light" it is an awakening into the Word of the Lord.  If you aren't baptized please do so.

On this day
1986  It started out a nice day with my 8 month old baby, snug and warm in the house.  My mom and brother Mark called and came over to spend some time with Nicole and they brought lunch.  And then the news came on the TV that the spacecraft blew up killing 7 people.  I understand the human mind wanting to explore the limits and some question why, but they died doing something they believed in which a lot of us never would consider.  And our history will never forget the brave souls that left with such high ambition.  What do you think?

On January 28, 1986, the NASA shuttle orbiter mission STS-51-L and the tenth flight of Space Shuttle Challenger (OV-99) broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing all seven crew members, which consisted of five NASA astronauts and two payload specialists. The spacecraft disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Cape CanaveralFlorida, at 11:39 a.m. EST (16:39 UTC). The disintegration of the vehicle began after a joint in its right solid rocket booster (SRB) failed at liftoff. The failure was caused by the failure of O-ring seals used in the joint that were not designed to handle the unusually cold conditions that existed at this launch. The seals' failure caused a breach in the SRB joint, allowing pressurized burning gas from within the solid rocket motor to reach the outside and impinge upon the adjacent SRB aft field joint attachment hardware and external fuel tank. This led to the separation of the right-hand SRB's aft field joint attachment and the structural failure the external tank. Aerodynamic forces broke up the orbiter.  

Arrezo Italy

Save the Date for Wine Tasting in Arezzo

Vineyards and wine tasting seem to go hand in hand.  I Giorni del Vino and the wine producers from the Arezzo area in Tuscany are making it all the easier by opening their doors to the general public every Wednesday and Sunday from April till October.  I'm all in for this!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sharon!!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

January 27, 2019 Sunday #Becalled#Januaryblahs#Bikingtour!

Get Faith
Matthew 4  18-22  "And he said them, "Follow me, and I will make you fish for people."   Jesus called Simon (Peter) and his brother Andrew to follow him.  They left their nets and went with Him to learn and gain their faith in the Lord.  James and John also joined them to be involved in this mission that has changed the world, changed those who follow Him and changed our look at the future.  The disciples knew "the teacher" was their leader right from the start.  They fell in love with what He taught, his miracles and His promise of a better life.  He showed them the Way and the Truth and the Life, which is our Savior.  Read this chapter yourself and begin your travel with the true Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.  Be caught in His net and get a fishing pole going to "catch" others to lead and find a better life and live in peace.

On this day
1985  I'm pretty sure it wasn't a snowy 17 degree day like today is.  Mark went to work at the marina. (Probably getting boats ready for the yearly boat show at Cobo.)  Andy and Alice came over and helped me clean the garage and Alice and I took the bottle's back - all which could have been a huge job. (After the holiday's returnable collection)  I was pregnant with Nicole so I imagine all were catering to me.  AHHH those were the days!  What do you do on cold snowy winter days?

1985 - The Coca-Cola Company, of Atlanta, GA, announced a plan to sell its soft drinks in the Soviet Union.  It's the real thing...what the world wants today...  remember that Coke tune?

Arezzo Italy

Biking Tours in Tuscany

Biking in Tuscany will allow you to immerse yourself in (arguably) the most dramatic and passionate region of Italy. Bike on quiet roads over rolling hills through the heart of Tuscany. Gorgeous golden hillsides, rich artistic heritage, gentle biking paths and great food and wine at the end of a day’s biking make this tour a perfect mix of what makes Tuscany great.
Choose the best biking in Tuscany tour for you; from biking Chianti & SienaFlorence to Montepulciano or Pisa to Florence, our tours are sure to offer an authentic Italian experience on two wheels. With our wide range of bike tours in Italy, we're sure you'll be returning again soon. 
 That sounds great!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sharon!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

January 26, 2019 Saturday#Dirtyspirits#Recuperate#LoggiatoVasariano!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 5  "Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!"  Jesus ordered the unclean spirit or spirits in this case to leave the man who had been living in the tombs.  Jesus has power over the demons of our lives.  I think of the homeless on the streets with their demons or alcohol, drugs and mental illness.  Our world is still full of demons and unclean spirits.  Let's all pray that Jesus would help us to rid the world of these things that are a so prominent in our society.  Pray.

On this day
1984  I had been in a car accident back in November, rear ended.  I was in my friend Ty's car,  it was a rainy night and the traffic light was out on 8 Mile coming home from work.  A cop was directing traffic - in heavy rain and I saw her and stopped but the old guy behind never even tried to stop.  It pushed the trunk into the back  seat of Ty's Cadillac.  I had been going to Saratoga hospital even since for treatments on my neck  I had a really bad case of whip lash.  Well here it is 35 years later and, yes I get neck aches but probably not  any more than most people.  The point here is don't think your life is over if something like this happens.  Do all you can to recuperate from it and move foreward, don't be that couch bound, I can't work person that loses all hope.  That isn't to say that some have worse injuries and do suffer life changing problems, but try to work it out.  Don't give up.

1984 - CBS television debuted Mickey Spillane's "Mike Hammer." I thought this was an older program.

Arrezo Italy

Getting to know Arezzo means discovering a copious land of natural and artistic integrity in an extraordinarily concentrated area. The frescoes of Piero della Francesca in the Duomo are worthy of just one visit to the city. But you’ll just as easily be drawn to the medieval city center, which elegantly relates the great seasons of art and architecture in Arezzo. Alongside the medieval towers the striking Loggiato Vasariano rises up in the bluest of skies – designed by Giorgio Vasari, who was born and grew up in Arezzo; some regard this loggia as a trial run for the one he would later craft at the Uffizi in Florence). Equally mesmerizing is the Palazzo della Fraternita dei Laici, an intermingling of Gothic and Renaissance architecture, as well as the apse of Pieve di Santa Maria. The Basilica di San Domenico is home to a beautiful cross painted by Cimabue

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sarah!!

Friday, January 25, 2019

January 25, 2019 Friday #Calmthestorm#Locationlocation#retainersandliveries#GiostradelSaracino

Get Faith
Mark chapter 4  ".....He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace! be still!"  Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm.  he said to them, "Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?"      Are you still afraid?  Do you know that our God has power over wind and sea?  He can still  a storm in your life too.  Ask Jesus today to be your strength and guidance.  Ask Him for the peace that only he can give for the storms of life. 

On this day
1982  Although it was January I had taken a vacation week off.  My boyfriend from Florida came up to go to the Super Bowl in Pontiac.  It was freezing cold, he gave the tickets away to some friends and we partied at another friends and watched it on TV.  That was the day before so you can only imagine how bad we felt today and on top of that I had to take him to the airport to fly back to Florida.  Oh, the good old days!

1504 - The English Parliament passed statutes against retainers and liveries to curb private warfare. what in the world is this about?  Did you think you knew everything about what people fight about?  I have no idea.

Arezzo Italy

Colors of Arezzo - traditions, festivals, mentality and lifestyle

Tribunale Arezzo #1Arezzo is a city with many interesting traditions and celebrations. It’s a fantastic place where tourists can see festivities that have appeared yet in the middle ages. Generations of local people have cherished traditions of their predecessors, so they try to follow all rituals and keep them unchanged for centuries. Giostra del Saracino or Joust of the Saracen is, without a doubt, one of the most interesting national celebrations. The event takes place two times a year – on the third weekend of June and the first weekend of September.  So we are there at the wrong time of the year!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Thursday, January 24, 2019

January 24, 2019 Thursday#Listenandchoose#remodeling#rubberheel!#ArezzoWave

Get Faith
Mark chapter 4  "He also said, "The kingdom of God is as if someone would scatter seed on the ground, and would sleep and rise night and day, and seed would sprout and grow, he does not know how."  I think of this as faith seeds being cast on the people of earth - some hear and don't listen, some hear and forget, some completely disregard the Word, but some, some hear the Word of God and take it to heart and soul.  They listen and apply it to their lives and look forward to their reward with our Lord Jesus Christ in the next world.  Choose wisely.

On this day
1981  - I had lived in my house 4 years, had a house fire and had half the house rebuilt.  I was painting the vanity in my bathroom on this day.  It was all wood, built into what originally was a closet.  The house is very old and while the new portions of the house were made of pretend wood, little nails and plastic, the old part would withstand an earthquake.  If you live someplace for a long time eventually you will redo each part many times - paint, clean and change entirely sometime.  What are you thinking of remodeling?

1899 - Humphrey O’Sullivan patented the rubber heel. This man should have been sainted. 

Arezzo Italy
  • From 1986 to 2006 Arezzo was also home to an annual popular music and culture festival, each July, called Arezzo Wave. Publicly funded, it attracts bands of high repute and attendees from all over Europe and North America. It also features literary and film expositions. In 2007 it was replaced by PLAY Arezzo Art Festival, still about rock music, involving local bands. Some artist invited in 2007 and 2008 are: Negrita, Peter Gabriel, Lou Reed, Joan Baez, Ben Harper, Goran Bregovic, Carmen Consoli, Max Gazzè, Peter Brook.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Holly!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

January 23, 2019 Wednesday#Goodseed#changeup#Playpool#Aloburger!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 4  This is about the sower.  He sowed his seed and some fell on the  path, some fell on rocky ground and couldn't put in roots.  Other seed fell on thorns that choked the young plants.  The seed that fell on good soil, grew to be healthy productive plants.  Those who follow after Jesus are called to live a life in keeping with his teaching.  We are to choose the way of truth every day.     The message here from this parable is to be good soil, receive the Word of God and let it grow in you to fruition and produce good "food" for you to share with others to become believers.  Those who have ears - hear.

Get Fit
My exercise plan of 30 minutes a day is losing steam.  I have had to cut back to 4 days a week now that I am working.  I like the Daily dozen but now I'm realizing I can't do the 3 - 1 minute planks that I had graduated to.  It doesn't take long to lose ground but don't lose heart.  Maybe change it up a little to bring new life to your routine.  (Talking to myself here, and you.)

On this day
1978  I had moved to the east side but still worked at Quality on the west side.  Pete had to drive me to work on this day - 1/2 hour one way, that was generous of him.  The picture frame business was changing, we had to lay off Jose and Jim, the owner was working at the Rochester store to cover for a missing employee.  Not sure how I got home, Pete probably and he and I went to Big Bill's Saloon for the Pool tournament we played on.  It is a good pastime in the winter months.  You might want to think about it.

1978 - Sweden banned aerosol sprays because of damage to environment. They were the first country to do so. 

Arezzo Italy 
Finally, if you prefer a good burger to gourmet cuisine, Alo Burger is a must-visit place. This restaurant proves that not only Tuscan dishes can taste good in Arezzo. Alo Burger is quick and cheap, but cheap price doesn’t mean cheap quality here. The restaurant also serves hearty Italian food that is a perfect day starter – tourists can stop there, quickly have a nutritious breakfast and head to long excursions, feeling full for hours.
Antiques fair in the Loggia of the Piazza Grande in Arezzo, ItalyTravelers preferring to rest in unusual places could spend a few days at an old farm Agriturismo Massimo Magnanini. This hotel is located close to the Cathedral of San Donato; the former offers two rooms and luxury apartments with a private terrace. The main feature of this original hotel is unusual decoration, as it has a rich collection of antique furniture, paintings, vases and other antiques. Some rooms have managed to keep the old fireplace. A spacious dining room, where the ambience has remained unchanged for many years, is on the first floor. Guests of the hotel would have an unusual opportunity to stroll through an old orchard and fields, where organic vegetables are grown in summer.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

January 22, 2019 Tuesday #PoweroverSatan#Busyat30#Tuscancuisine!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 3  ""And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem  said, "He has Beelzebul, and by the ruler of the demons he casts out demons."  And he called them to him and spoke to them in parables, "How can Satan cast out Satan?  If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand......."             The scribes and Pharisees were watching Jesus to find ways to stop him.  Why?  Because they knew he was able to ruin their plans and their power, upset the balance of their corrupt lives.   Jesus spoke to them in parables, stories that only the faithful could understand.  Jesus has power over everything in heaven and earth - He is God's Son.  He can deal with Satan - He is not Satan and Satan knows that.  It would appear that Satan had more knowledge than those who tried to ruin Jesus' day.

On this day
1977  It was a Saturday, I was soon to be 30 years old, selling my 2nd house in Birmingham and keeping busy with my boyfriend Pete.  He was calling around to see who was available for bowling that night while I was cleaning house for the real estate people to come over for a showing.  The did bring over an offer later that day.  And, Pete and I went bowling with Pat & Pam, Kathy, Ty & Vicki and Don Schwartz at Motor Lane.  I think that was by Sherwood or Mound and 8 Mile Road.  We always had a lot of fun and drank too much - but like I said, I was soon to be 30.

1771 - The Falkland Islands were ceded to Britain by Spain. I wonder why?

Arezzo Italy
This part of Tuscany is not the best destination for fans of seafood, but that doesn’t mean that there are no quality restaurants that serve it. Ristorante Cio che Piace is a great place to try various appetizers with mussels and clams, grilled tuna steak, octopus in tomato sauce, or mouthwatering roasted calamari. This restaurant is conveniently located not far from the main square and always has visitors despite its modest look from the outside.
Alternative FlightGourmet travelers will like Bistrot 31. Finest local ingredients and old culinary traditions give birth to real gastronomic masterpieces that both look and taste amazing. Bistrot 31 has carefully selected menus with multiple courses that are ideal for exploring Tuscan cuisine. As a rule, such restaurants are expensive, but here prices are reasonable and won’t ruin budgets of tourists
Sounds yummy- have to wear my elastic waistband pants after this.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Diana!

Monday, January 21, 2019

January 21, 2019 Monday#unclean spirits#trickyourself#Badex#SST#crostino!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 3  "Whenever the unclean spirits saw him, they all fell down before him and shouted, "You are the Son of God!"  But he sternly ordered them not to make him known."     This is a difficult reading for those just beginning to believe I think.  You have to work through this.  Unclean spirits. like we see in horror films?  The important thing to notice is that they know their place with Jesus, and, they know who He is.  They are among the people and sadly have an effect on them as we read in other places.  The important thing to know is that Jesus has all power over them and they must obey him.  Think of that power He could be using in your life, to make you healthier and happier. to forgive your sins and bring you to faith.  Trust Jesus.

Get Fit
So cold today, but I got on the floor (after pumping up the heat) and watched the yoga guy on a warm beach in his bathing suit lead me through AM yoga poses.  Sometime you have to fool yourself into that mindset!

On this day
1976  Here is a good one for me but maybe you can relate.  I was sick at home when Chris called me from work to say that my ex husband's first ex wife, Judy, called for me.  So,  I called my exes current girlfriend Joey to let her know that there might be trouble brewing.  Wasn't that nice of me?  Well the truth is #1 was always looking for trouble and I figured it would benefit all of us to unite and stop her in her tracks.  Do you have a similar story?

1976 - The French Concorde SST aircraft began regular commercial service for Air France and British Airways.   I remember this, I think they eventually out priced themselves and failed.  Is that right?  

Arezzo Italy  
If you want to try something really authentic, order crostino dish that is usually present in small restaurants and cafes. These are small appetizers that consist of small slices of bread, olives, and fresh vegetables. Locals often start their dinner with this appetizer. When it comes to desserts, guests of Arezzo have a really big choice here. They can order traditional European desserts or choose to try a truly Italian dessert – cheese plate with schiacciata.
Antiques fair in the Loggia of the Piazza Grande in Arezzo, ItalyThe choice of dining venues in Arezzo will please even experienced tourists. Having explored one of the biggest landmarks of the city, the Basilica di San Francesco, head to Gastronomia II Cervo to enjoy some of the best food in Arezzo. This restaurant offers a large choice of traditional Tuscany dishes. The portions are very big, so some visitors ask to serve half portions or share dishes so they can try more.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Remember Martin Luther King Jr today!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

January 20, 2019 Sunday #LambofGod#Changingtimes#BattleofYungay#Italliantable!

Get Faith
John chapter 1"....And John testified, "I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it remained on him.  I myself did not knot know him, but one who sent me to baptize with water said to me, 'He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit'  And I myself have seen and have testified that this is the Son of God."  These words from John the Baptist tell us of the Spirit entering the Son - our triune God - manifested in Baptism and the water and the Word for your eternal life.  Thank God for our Savior.

On this day
1975  Chris and I went to the Northland Hudson store to change the prices on the picture frame moldings in their framing department.  This was a once in a while project that gave us a chance to see and talk to all the girls that worked there instead of just on the phone.  It was kind of fun.  I lived in Birmingham at the time and my brother Mark lived with me.  On this day he missed school because he was sick.  Poor guy, this was not unusual for him.  Mom came over for dinner, her new husband and Mark were not on good terms.   After dinner I went to Waynette's house that she had bought and moved into.  Times changed rapidly during those years.  How about you?  Where were you in 1975?

1839 - Chile defeated a confederation of Peru and Bolivia in the Battle of Yungay. I don't see too much South American history.  Another good story here I bet.

Arezzo Italy
Olive oil has always had a significant role in the national cuisine. Freshly baked bread and olive oil are always present on tables of Italians. Antipasto toscano is one more interesting dish that tourists are recommended to try. Sliced salami and ham are served together with bread and a bit of olive oil. Among first course dishes, locals prefer primo soup. Of course, each restaurant offers traditional Italian pasta and risotto. Vegetarian guests will be pleased to try various salads and vegetable soups that are always present in the menu regardless of the season. Copyright  Sounds yummy!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Don, Carly and Steve!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

January 19, 2019 Saturday #Knowfaith#Winterwarmth#Goodfoodandwine!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 3  "And he said to the man who had the withered hand, "Come forward."  (Then he) said to the man, "Stretch out your hand."  He stretched it out, and his hand was restored."     The problem with this miracle, this healing, is that it was the Sabbath, the seventh day, the day deigned by God as a day of rest when you do no work.  The Pharisees were watching, they did not believe that Jesus was the Son of God or even a prophet who would usually get some type of respect.  They were afraid of Jesus as you are of something you don't know or understand.  They wanted to stop his following before it got carried away. They waited for Jesus to break the law.  Jesus did heal the man on the Sabbath and the people that knew him were brought to faith by these things.  How about you?  What can we do to bring you to faith?

On this day
1968  It was a Friday and we who live in Michigan know what that might mean.  Cold, snowy and certainly not motorcycle riding weather.  Don (my boyfriend and soon to be husband) and I went to our friends house - Ron and Gail and played Clue and had pizza.  We were not real big drinkers for the sake of drinking, so it was probably Coke or Pepsi.  Just good friends, keeping warm and enjoying a fun evening together.  What do you do to pass the winter evenings?  I think I still have a Clue game here - do you?

1764 - John Wilkes was expelled from the British House of Commons for seditious libel.   did you think today's politics were new??

Arezzo Italy
Minimalism is the main distinguishing feature of local cuisine. Local chefs pay attention to the taste of dishes first and foremost, while beautiful décor and unusual serving are considered to be not of a primary importance. The traditional Tuscany cuisine might look too simple to some tourists, but adherents of healthy lifestyle will enjoy it. Only freshest and finest products are used to cook food. Chefs control the optimal combination of ingredients to create dishes that are both nutritious and healthy. Each national cuisine restaurant offers home-like food and magnificent Italian wine.
In order to see all landmarks of Arezzo, tourists will need more than one day full of excursions. Start your observation of the city from the Basilica of St. Francesco. The beautiful … Open
Fans of meat delicacies will like bistecca fiorentina. This dish is cooked from premium beef. Fresh meat is cooked on the open fire almost without different spices and marinades in order to save the natural taste and aroma. It is important to mention that meat and fish are rarely grilled or roasted in a stove in Arezzo. Local people like to roast them on an open fire or in a campfire. Prosciutto ham is a traditional dish of the region. As a rule, it is served together with stewed beans as a garnish.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Aaron!, Katie and Loretta!

Friday, January 18, 2019

January 18, 2019 Friday#Healedandforgiven#ABS#Computerwoes#Etruscan!

Get Faith
Mark  chapter 2  ", they said to his disciples, "Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?"  When Jesus heard this, he said to them "Those who are well have no need of a a physician, but those who are sick;  I have come to call not the righteous but sinners."      Who are the righteous?  Those who think  they are perfect and can handle all on their own?  The rich?  Jesus came for the sinners, those who know they are in need of soul healing.  Those who know they are sick in this life.  He did heal physical infirmities, yes, but,  what He came to heal was the sin in all of us.  Be healed - look to Jesus.

Get Fit
I went on you tube and found a video of 3 young girls doing a 10 minute ab workout.  LOL.   I went along and didn't even go with girl taking the easier route.  Huh, I'll regret that later.  Do what you can!  Get those 6 packs ready!  (not the beer)

On this day
2017  Do you do all your banking on line?  I have learned to and pay bills, etc.  It is great, and I love it, but, on this day I couldn't get through something stopping me from getting on line.  I am fortunate that Nicole has been living with me and is usually here when I have trouble.  She fixed it and life went on.  How do you cope?  I know friends that pack up the laptop or PC and take it to a repair place and have to wait days to get it back.  I have both a laptop and PC but don't use them both for the same thing.  I think that should be a goal this year - get them both on the same page, so to speak.  What is your advice?

1778 - English navigator Captain James Cook discovered the Hawaiian Islands, which he called the "Sandwich Islands."   That sounds like a lot of bologna to me.

Arezzo Italy
Not everyone knows that Arezzo is an ancient city, older than Alexandria in Egypt! To discover Arezzo you need to have a smattering of understanding about its past. Arezzo was one of the main Etruscan city-states. Later in life it became a Roman city of strategic importance, a nerve center of vibrant commerce, a place brimming with monuments such as the Ampitheater, whose remains can still be seen today. Back in those days Arezzo’s foundries were well known, as too were the city’s artistic workshops of “coralline” pots, which were painted red and whose decorative technique extended throughout the Roman world.   
Sounds great!  lets explore some of these places!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Jenny!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

January 17, 2019 Thursday #Healedandforgiven#Danceanddrink#Keepbusy#Earlychoirdirector!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 2  ..."When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven."  Now some of the scribes were sitting there, questioning in their hearts...."Who can forgive sins but God alone?""     Jesus has power over all on earth and in heaven.      He also healed the paralytic, who, walked away whole - and forgiven.  Often we only think of healing of our earthly selves when Jesus knows that it is our souls that need healing.  When Jesus sees your faith, can you believe that you are healed?  I hope so.

Get Fit
Inspirational Fitness Quotes : Dancer’s Body Workout. Go to for a version you can print and videos of the exercises.

I found this on a dancers workshop and its true!  Get your exercise dancing and drink water!!

On this day
2016   Two years ago, I had just lost Mom in December and was adjusting to all the things I did with her for the last 14 years,being over.  Nicole was home, (sometime) and on this day she went to an Episcopal church in Plymouth to do a camp Sunday.  They do these to raise awareness in hopes that kids will come to camp in the summer and get an extra dose of Youth Christianity.  I went to First English, stayed for a women of the church meeting and came home.  Waynette came home to and spent the day, went to council in the evening and then spent the night here so she didn't have to drive home, which is a distance from church.  New habits and routines haven't replaced Mom but they keep me busy.  What do you do to keep busy?

1562 - French Protestants were recognized under the Edict of St. Germain.  These would all make for interesting Bible studies.

Arezzo Italy
  • Guido d'Arezzo, music theorist of the Middle Ages; inventor of modern music notation; born in Arezzo around the year 991
  • Guido was a Benedictine monk from the Italian city-state of Arezzo. Recent research has dated his Micrologus to 1025 or 1026; since Guido stated in a letter that he was thirty-four when he wrote it,[1] his birthdate is presumed to be around 991 or 992. His early career was spent at the monastery of Pomposa, on the Adriatic coast near Ferrara. While there, he noted the difficulty that singers had in remembering Gregorian chants.
    He came up with a method for teaching the singers to learn chants in a short time, and quickly became famous throughout north Italy. However, he attracted the hostility of the other monks at the abbey, prompting him to move to Arezzo, a town which had no abbey, but which did have a large group of cathedral singers, whose training Bishop Tedald invited him to conduct.  Choir directors !
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sharon, Kaitlyn and Betty!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

January 16, 2019 Wednesday #ChooseFaith#PickPilates#Findjobs#Sameole#Lifeisbeautiful!

Get Faith
Mark Chapter 1  "A leper came to him begging him, and kneeling he said to him, "If you choose, you can make me clean."  Moved with pity, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, and said to him, "I do choose.  Be made clean:"  Immediately the leprosy left him, and he was made clean." 
Why did the the leper ask if he chose to make him clean?  Charlatans or fake healers, in those days might have had to make a judgement of whether it was worth their time, if he had money to pay or if he was in there employ to appear to need healing and then could fake the show. Did the leper think he was one of those?  Why would Jesus choose to heal this man?  Did he see an opportunity to heal his sin and give him faith?  Maybe to build the momentum of His ministry, just starting, to have those who could believe in the true Word, to come to faith.  The opportunity is still open today - Jesus wants you to come to faith - be baptized and believe.

Get Fit
In working at the salon now I am meeting more people, which is like money to me.  I love the different personalities.  One lady, I'll guess my age or older comes in once a week to have her long blond hair styled, or whatever and nails.  She has so far had on work out clothes.  She was complaining to her stylist that her Pilates gym had closed and she had to find a new one.  I suggested one I had seen but she said it wasn't (basically) up to her standards.  I like my Pilate videos at home in the privacy of my living room, in whatever "gym clothes" I find.  Which ever you like try Pilates it has a lot to offer!

On this day
2014  I was going to work with Nicole at Fulex a couple times a month at this time.  I have had many jobs in my lifetime - looking back they were all enjoyable in their own way.  This job was mainly entering data into their computer for billing.  Think about all the different jobs you have had and all the different things you learned and all the people you met at those jobs.  What a bounty of information and growth! 

1572 - The Duke of Norfolk was tried for treason for complicity in the Ridolfi plot to restore Catholicism in England. He was executed on June 2. I really feel like there are a million untold stories in our history, why do they keep remaking all the same stories?  Like Aladdin?

Arezzo Italy

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday Cheryl!!

Monday, January 14, 2019

January 14, 2019 Monday#PraytoGod#Stayontrack#McDonalds#GiostradelSaracino

Get Fit
Mark chapter 1 - "After Jesus was baptized, the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness.  He was tempted by Satan, he was with the wild beasts and the angles waited on him."
I'm not sure that wanting to spend time with God in prayer and meditation would be asking for the situation  Jesus found himself in.  But, we do find ourselves in the presence of Satan quite often - and wild beasts?  we try to avoid.  The Bible tells us that we are visited by angels unbeknownst to us.  But Jesus spent 40 days becoming our Savior in human form, he faced human problems and trials.  But even the Son of God knew who to pray to in times of trouble - He took it to His Father, God.  This is an option you too can turn to when you need strength, hope and guidance.  Light a candle and say  a prayer - God is listening.

Get Fit
Now that I am down to only 4 days of mornings when I can exercise, I dare not miss one.  I worked out the legs, abs and arms with resistance bands this morning.  I try to remind myself that since I have cut back on days I need to lengthen the time I spend on those days.  I'm adjusting.  How is your exercise program coming along?  I see some are hitting the gym quite often!  That's good!  Keep it up.

On this day
2013  My poor mom was having problems with the colostomy bag they put on her.  When you are 91 your skin and body don't adjust too well to changes and I had to take her to the doctor that put it on her.  When they shake their head in a dismissive way, you realize that nothing can be done to solve the problem and you just have to go to further methods to make it work.  This was a frustrating day for her when she asked if he could just reverse it and take it off.  He apologized and said it wasn't possible.  So I did what any good daughter would do - I took her to McDonald s for lunch.  She was a trooper and resolved to handle it better.   Later in the day I went to the airport to pick up Nicole and Aaron coming home from Florida. 

1784 - The United States ratified a peace treaty with England ending the Revolutionary War. 

Arezzo Italy
  • Arezzo is home to an annual medieval festival called the Saracen Joust (Giostra del Saracino). In this, "knights" on horseback representing different areas of the town charge at a wooden target attached to a carving of a Saracen king and score points according to accuracy. Virtually all the town's people dress up in medieval costume and enthusiastically cheer on the competitors.  This sounds a lot like our Renaissance Festival here in Michigan!  Always fun!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

January 13, 2019 Sunday #Manifested#Busy?#Accordion#Palazzo dei Priori

Get Faith
Matthew 3   And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased."     Here is a message from God during the baptism of Jesus the Christ.   He was promised in Psalms and promised by Isaiah and many others in the Old Testament.  And now, as God promised through the prophets He was made human - our Lord and Savior.

On this day
2011  I was kind of layed off from  work but still going in to keep up what needed to be done.  After all, I was the one who would have to catch it all up later.  I had a doctor appt and then took mom for a foot doctor appt.  Later in the day I met Rachel for dinner at National Coney Island.  Rachel was one of the young people I kept in touch with from youth group.  I might still have been doing the youth group at this time.  It is good to be busy and keeping in touch with people.  How are you at doing that or do you prefer seclusion.? 

1854 - Anthony Faas of Philadelphia, PA, was granted the first U.S. patent for the accordion. He made improvements to the keyboard and enhanced the sound.  When I was kid, someone always played the accordion.  Nicole's new to be father in law plays, looking forward to that!

Arezzo Italy
  • Palazzo dei Priori, erected in 1333, has been the seat of the city's magistratures until today. The edifice was numerous times restored and renovated; the interior has a court from the 16th century, a stone statue portraying a Madonna with Child (1339), frescoes, busts of illustrious Aretines, two paintings by Giorgio Vasari. The square tower is from 1337.
This looks like a great place to explore today!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, January 12, 2019

January 12, 2019 Saturday#Miracles#Shovelsnow#Romanamphitheater

Get Faith
John chapter 9   As he (Jesus) walked along, he saw a man blind from birth...(Jesus said,) "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."    Jesus healed the man of his blindness but also gave him a strong message.  When the man was blind he couldn't see light, but the message is more than that - when we know who Jesus is we are enlightened to the fact that HE is the son God.  The man went and told the Pharisees that Jesus was truly from God, if not He could do nothing.  Do you see the light?  The miracles He did were of earthly value but his death and resurrection are eternal gifts.

On this day
2010  I was having difficulties at work.  My bosses son wanted to bring his wife in to work in the business and get rid of me.  He was a miserable SOB to me - hunting for reasons to fire me.  On this day I was either layed off or I just didn't go in.  I went to the doctor and got meds to calm down and sleep.  You know what?  shoveling snow is a great stress reliever I discovered!  Sometimes God sends help in the most extraordinary way!

1519 - Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I died. Is this the same as the Pope?

Arezzo Italy
Photo of Anfiteatro RomanoThe Roman amphitheater was built at the turn of the second century. It is an elliptical structure made of sandstone blocks, bricks and marble, 120 meters long and seventy meters wide. The remains are in far better condition than I had expected and, together with the archeological museum, this is a great sight for the explorers of the ancient times.  Let's go see this today!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday Rebekkah C!

Friday, January 11, 2019

January 11, 2019 Friday#Walkonthewater#Riseup#Momandi#StfrancisofAssisi.

Get Faith
John chapter 6 ....They saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were terrified.  But he said to them, "It is I; do not be afraid."    The raging sea was a symbol of evil powers in those days -so you can imagine their terror at seeing anyone walking toward them on the water.  We have a different knowledge of raging seas, but possibly the same healthy fear.  The same thing is that you can welcome Jesus with open arms into your life and get the feeling that you are safe and he will guide you through the storms of life.

Get Fit
Tried a little Jillian and her circuit training this morning.  I won't lie, I didn't get far - but I tried.  I am telling myself that this new regimen of working 4 days a week will settle in and my energy and strength will rise up to meet the challenge.  Wish me luck and YOU too!

On this day
2009  Was a Sunday and after church I helped Waynette with lunch for the Mission Festival.  I'm sure she remembers this I don't, but Mom and Nicole got back from Lansing in time for 11 service and the lunch.  I'm sure it was good in typical Waynette fashion.  Mom and I went to neighbor Ty's moms funeral on this day, she was too young and it was very sudden.  Very hard on the family.  Mom and I stopped at Gilbert's on the way home for dinner.  Mom and I spent a lot of time together during these years, best friends I would say.  We always complimented ourselves on picking good food, we were rich we said, and it shows on this day.  Do you eat well?  and are you thankful? 

1861 - Alabama seceded from the United States. Really??

Arezzo Italy
 The Basilica of San Francesco is a late Medieval church in ArezzoTuscanyItaly, dedicated to St Francis of Assisi. It is especially renowned for housing in the chancel the fresco cycle Legends of the True Cross by Piero della Francesca.
 San Francesco is the second church built by the Franciscans in Arezzo, an earlier church being located outside the city walls and destroyed during the Occupation. The building work on San Francesco was begun around 1290. The decoration of its façade was never realised.
The interior presents as a large church of simple unadorned design with a wide single nave, flanked on the left side by some chapels and, on the right side, by some niches. The tall groin-vaulted chancel is of square plan.[1]
Beneath the church is a smaller Chiesa inferiore or "Lower Church" as at Assisi, with a nave and two aisles, now used as exhibition hall.
Arezzo-Basilica di San Francesco.jpg Love to go there today!  Look it up!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!