Sunday, January 6, 2019

January 6, 2019 Sunday #Epiphany#Minor set backs#More war

Get Faith
Matthew 2 "In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, "Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews?"  These 3 men came from a distance, they were Gentiles, not Jews, they knew of the birth of a king, followed a star to find Him, so they could worship Him.  And they did.  This story is told on Epiphany, the day of manifestation.  It also refers to them as wise men.  This is a time of prayer, of sharing the story of Christ's birth to the world- everyone.  Pray for the opportunity to witness in His name.

On this day
2003  It was a Monday and the start of the new year.  I got ready for work, packed lunches, made breakfast - Nicole still had a touch of the flu, but was going to school anyway.  Then we went out to the garage and the car wouldn't start.  I was so fortunate that my mom lived so close and came over to give me her car so I could get to work.  Later in the day I had a tow truck come and haul the car to the shop.  It is disheartening to have your efforts thwarted.  I'm sure you know as I do, it doesn't matter you just have to push on, right!

1205 - Philip of Swabia was crowned as King of the Romans. Anybody heard of this guy?

Arezzo Italy
In the 18th century the neighbouring marshes of the Val di Chiana, south of Arezzo, were drained and the region became less malarial. At the end of the-century French troops led by Napoleon Bonaparte conquered Arezzo, but the city soon turned into a resistance base against the invaders with the "Viva Maria" movement, winning the city the role of provincial capital. In 1860 Arezzo became part of the Kingdom of Italy. City buildings suffered heavy damage during World War II; the Germans made a stand in front of Arezzo early in July 1944 and there was fierce fighting before the town was taken and liberated on 16 July by the British 6th Armoured Division assisted by New Zealand troops from the 2nd New Zealand Division. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission's Arezzo War Cemetery, where 1,266 men are buried, is located to the North West of the city.[2]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable Happy Birthday Alan and Joani

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