Tuesday, January 22, 2019

January 22, 2019 Tuesday #PoweroverSatan#Busyat30#Tuscancuisine!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 3  ""And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem  said, "He has Beelzebul, and by the ruler of the demons he casts out demons."  And he called them to him and spoke to them in parables, "How can Satan cast out Satan?  If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand......."             The scribes and Pharisees were watching Jesus to find ways to stop him.  Why?  Because they knew he was able to ruin their plans and their power, upset the balance of their corrupt lives.   Jesus spoke to them in parables, stories that only the faithful could understand.  Jesus has power over everything in heaven and earth - He is God's Son.  He can deal with Satan - He is not Satan and Satan knows that.  It would appear that Satan had more knowledge than those who tried to ruin Jesus' day.

On this day
1977  It was a Saturday, I was soon to be 30 years old, selling my 2nd house in Birmingham and keeping busy with my boyfriend Pete.  He was calling around to see who was available for bowling that night while I was cleaning house for the real estate people to come over for a showing.  The did bring over an offer later that day.  And, Pete and I went bowling with Pat & Pam, Kathy, Ty & Vicki and Don Schwartz at Motor Lane.  I think that was by Sherwood or Mound and 8 Mile Road.  We always had a lot of fun and drank too much - but like I said, I was soon to be 30.

1771 - The Falkland Islands were ceded to Britain by Spain. I wonder why?

Arezzo Italy
This part of Tuscany is not the best destination for fans of seafood, but that doesn’t mean that there are no quality restaurants that serve it. Ristorante Cio che Piace is a great place to try various appetizers with mussels and clams, grilled tuna steak, octopus in tomato sauce, or mouthwatering roasted calamari. This restaurant is conveniently located not far from the main square and always has visitors despite its modest look from the outside.
Alternative FlightGourmet travelers will like Bistrot 31. Finest local ingredients and old culinary traditions give birth to real gastronomic masterpieces that both look and taste amazing. Bistrot 31 has carefully selected menus with multiple courses that are ideal for exploring Tuscan cuisine. As a rule, such restaurants are expensive, but here prices are reasonable and won’t ruin budgets of tourists
Sounds yummy- have to wear my elastic waistband pants after this.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Diana!

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