Thursday, January 3, 2019

January 3, 2019 Thursday #The Shepherd#SNOW#Arretium Vetus

Get Faith
John 10 "...I am the gate.  Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture."  Sheep follow their shepherds voice and will go where ever he goes.  Jesus our shepherd came to show us the way to our Fathers home.  He came to round us up, and clean us from the dirt and brambles we have tied ourselves up in and bring us home - baptized and cleansed of sin to be received on the day of resurrection to the home He has prepared for us.  I hope you hear Him calling.

On this day
1999   You never know when this will happen.  On this day we had 12" to 15" and drifting snow that shut everything down.  We shoveled and plowed all day.  My friend Ty and Norma came over and helped plow out the driveway.  School was closed down and I'm sure my boss just told me to stay home - snug and warm in the house.  I can do without these snowstorms anymore, but it isn't up to me.

1999 - Israeli authorities detained, and later expelled, 14 members of Concerned Christians. Israili officials claimed that the Denver, CO-based cult was plotting violence in Jerusalem to bring about the Second Coming of Christ.  Wow!!  Kristin is leaving with a group from the seminary today for Israel.

Arezzo Italy
Conquered by the Romans in 311 BC, Arretium became a military station on the via Cassia, the road by which Rome expanded into the basin of the Po. Arretium sided with Marius in the Roman Civil War, and the victorious Sulla planted a colony of his veterans in the half-demolished city, as Arretium Fidens("Faithful Arretium"). The old Etruscan aristocracy was not extinguished: Gaius Cilnius Maecenas, whose name is eponymous with "patron of the arts", was of the noble Aretine Etruscan stock. The city continued to flourish as Arretium Vetus ("Old Arretium"), the third largest city in Italy in the Augustan period, well known in particular for its widely exported pottery manufactures, the characteristic moulded and glazed Arretine warebucchero-ware of dark clay and red-painted vases (the so-called "coral" vases).

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Peter S!

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