Sunday, January 13, 2019

January 13, 2019 Sunday #Manifested#Busy?#Accordion#Palazzo dei Priori

Get Faith
Matthew 3   And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased."     Here is a message from God during the baptism of Jesus the Christ.   He was promised in Psalms and promised by Isaiah and many others in the Old Testament.  And now, as God promised through the prophets He was made human - our Lord and Savior.

On this day
2011  I was kind of layed off from  work but still going in to keep up what needed to be done.  After all, I was the one who would have to catch it all up later.  I had a doctor appt and then took mom for a foot doctor appt.  Later in the day I met Rachel for dinner at National Coney Island.  Rachel was one of the young people I kept in touch with from youth group.  I might still have been doing the youth group at this time.  It is good to be busy and keeping in touch with people.  How are you at doing that or do you prefer seclusion.? 

1854 - Anthony Faas of Philadelphia, PA, was granted the first U.S. patent for the accordion. He made improvements to the keyboard and enhanced the sound.  When I was kid, someone always played the accordion.  Nicole's new to be father in law plays, looking forward to that!

Arezzo Italy
  • Palazzo dei Priori, erected in 1333, has been the seat of the city's magistratures until today. The edifice was numerous times restored and renovated; the interior has a court from the 16th century, a stone statue portraying a Madonna with Child (1339), frescoes, busts of illustrious Aretines, two paintings by Giorgio Vasari. The square tower is from 1337.
This looks like a great place to explore today!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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