Saturday, January 19, 2019

January 19, 2019 Saturday #Knowfaith#Winterwarmth#Goodfoodandwine!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 3  "And he said to the man who had the withered hand, "Come forward."  (Then he) said to the man, "Stretch out your hand."  He stretched it out, and his hand was restored."     The problem with this miracle, this healing, is that it was the Sabbath, the seventh day, the day deigned by God as a day of rest when you do no work.  The Pharisees were watching, they did not believe that Jesus was the Son of God or even a prophet who would usually get some type of respect.  They were afraid of Jesus as you are of something you don't know or understand.  They wanted to stop his following before it got carried away. They waited for Jesus to break the law.  Jesus did heal the man on the Sabbath and the people that knew him were brought to faith by these things.  How about you?  What can we do to bring you to faith?

On this day
1968  It was a Friday and we who live in Michigan know what that might mean.  Cold, snowy and certainly not motorcycle riding weather.  Don (my boyfriend and soon to be husband) and I went to our friends house - Ron and Gail and played Clue and had pizza.  We were not real big drinkers for the sake of drinking, so it was probably Coke or Pepsi.  Just good friends, keeping warm and enjoying a fun evening together.  What do you do to pass the winter evenings?  I think I still have a Clue game here - do you?

1764 - John Wilkes was expelled from the British House of Commons for seditious libel.   did you think today's politics were new??

Arezzo Italy
Minimalism is the main distinguishing feature of local cuisine. Local chefs pay attention to the taste of dishes first and foremost, while beautiful décor and unusual serving are considered to be not of a primary importance. The traditional Tuscany cuisine might look too simple to some tourists, but adherents of healthy lifestyle will enjoy it. Only freshest and finest products are used to cook food. Chefs control the optimal combination of ingredients to create dishes that are both nutritious and healthy. Each national cuisine restaurant offers home-like food and magnificent Italian wine.
In order to see all landmarks of Arezzo, tourists will need more than one day full of excursions. Start your observation of the city from the Basilica of St. Francesco. The beautiful … Open
Fans of meat delicacies will like bistecca fiorentina. This dish is cooked from premium beef. Fresh meat is cooked on the open fire almost without different spices and marinades in order to save the natural taste and aroma. It is important to mention that meat and fish are rarely grilled or roasted in a stove in Arezzo. Local people like to roast them on an open fire or in a campfire. Prosciutto ham is a traditional dish of the region. As a rule, it is served together with stewed beans as a garnish.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Aaron!, Katie and Loretta!

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