Monday, January 7, 2019

January 7, 2019 Monday#First miracle#Dance and breathe#camcorder#Calais#On a hill

Get Faith
John chapter 2  On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee.....when the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus...  said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you"....Jesus said to them, "Fill the jars with water"....When the steward tasted the water that had become wine....he said, "You have kept the good wine until now."  Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.           We have all joked about this when our wine runs out, or when a sign in the store mistakenly says water when the bottles are clearly wine.  The good wine was always served first in those days because people who were getting drunk were less fussy about how good the wine was.  It isn't about the wine, it is about the Lord giving you what you need and the miracle that He was able to do for those who believed in Him.  What do you need?

Get Fit
I'm happy to report that I got back into my routine today and worked out - well I danced with Richard.  Actually it was a good way to warm up and get back into practice.  I was winded when I stopped (I have COPD) so not a surprise, but I believe that pushing myself to keep moving improved my strength, balance and breathing.  Don't find an excuse to not exercise - look for something that works for you and what ails you.

On this day
2004  Mark had given me a camcorder for Christmas the year that Nicole was born.  So in the 9 years since I was seldom seen without that monstrous camera on my shoulder.  Marty called me Nancy Spielberg.  If you knew me during that time - I have you on film.  I started making copies of films for people to share the joy of watching the kids 5 years ago opening presents or playing instruments.  On this day I was making one for Adele my ex sister in law.   I thought they would last forever - they don't.  I tried putting them to CD's but it isn't as easy as it seems.  Not for me  anyway.

1558 - Calais, the last English possession on mainland France, was recaptured by the French. Were your ancestors born there when it was England or France?  

Arezzo Italy


Arezzo is set on a steep hill rising from the floodplain of the River Arno. In the upper part of the town are the cathedral, the town hall and the Medici Fortress (Fortezza Medicea), from which the main streets branch off towards the lower part as far as the gates. The upper part of the town maintains its medieval appearance despite the addition of later structures. Arezzo's city proper is near the high risk areas for earthquakes, but located in a transitional area where the risk for severe earthquakes is much lower than in nearby Umbria and Abruzzo, albeit it is slightly more vulnerable than Florence.[4] Notable earthquakes are still a very rare phenomenon in the province, with a 4.6 quake 25 kilometres (16 mi) to its north-east that claimed no lives on 26 November 2001 the exception.[5]  Sounds like a beautiful sight to see.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Lisa and Arnold!!

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