Wednesday, January 30, 2019

January 30, 2019 Wednesday #Knowit!#nothip#dirtyDancing#SeeArezzo!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 6  "King Herod heard of it, for Jesus' name had become known.  Some were saying, "John the baptizer has been raised from the dead, and for this reason these powers are at work in him."  But others said "It is Elijah."  And other said, "It is a prophet, like one of the prophets of old." But when Herod heard of it, he said, "John whom I beheaded, has been raised."  We always want to make sense of what we don't know, like those who imagined Jesus was someone else.  Someone that they could relate to and understand.  Herod of course was terrified to think someone he killed had come back to life.  When you don't understand something you can get confused and apply what you do know to that circumstance.  What  we need to do is read the Gospel stories, read the old testament promises and understand what God meant for the world in sending His Son the Christ to save us.  But, you have to understand and believe the Word.  Pick up your Bible - don't take my word for it.

Get Fit
So I have a day off and wanted to dance with Richard but my hip says no.  Going to the chiropractor to see if I can get back to my normal self.  I miss my fitness.

On this day
1988  This is the third day of many that I watched Dirty Dancing.  Marty had brought the movie home and I had watched it everyday since.  Norma came over and watched it with me.  The music and the people were such a memory for us of the 60's.  I couldn't get enough of the dancing and of course Patrick Swayze.  What a great movie, maybe I'll watch it today!  should warm up this 7 below day!

1649 - England's King Charles I was beheaded. Well he didn't have a good day - how barbaric.  Still going on today in some places.

Arezzo Italy
Go to You tube and see some beautiful videos of Arezzo, so beautiful.  There are a lot, have a glass of wine and enjoy!  Tomorrow we move!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Dave M!

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