Wednesday, January 9, 2019

January 9, 2019 Wednesday #Faith is a miracle#Stay strong#Birthdays#Santa Maria della Pieve

Get Faith
John chapter 5  ...Jesus said to him, "Stand up, take your mat and walk."  At once the man was made well, and he took up his mat and began to walk...   The theme here in Epiphany is that Jesus manifests his power over infirmities.  There was a man that had laid by the pool for 38 years, it just says he had been ill that long.  In my mind this would have been a jump up and down miraculous thing.  It only says he took up his mat and began to walk.....he went and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well.  I would have been rounding up everyone I knew and taking him to see this healer.  I guess many did, but there were those who thought bad of the whole thing.  Prayer is what we have to fight with against the infirmities of life and we wonder why our prayers are not answered.  God says yes, no and maybe - keep praying and mention Jesus's name.

Get Fit
Did you get weights for Christmas?  I know that sounds like a horrible gift, but honestly, you need to keep your muscles strong.  They support those bones - the back, the knees, the hips - all the things that break down as you get older, take it from me.  Get those weights and get moving!

On this day
2007  It was Mom's 85th birthday.  Some birthdays are not the big party ritual but something has to happen.  I think Nicole was in New Orleans this week so I took Mom to Olga's for dinner at Macomb Mall and then to Sears and bought Mom a pantsuit and blouse.  We had our favorite places and this was one of them.  It was a Tuesday and I had worked all day but I always think you need to do a special thing for someones special day.  Do you celebrate birthdays?  Does it bother you if no one remembers it is your birthday?  Yep me too.

2007 - Steve Jobs, Apple Inc.'s CEO, announced the first generation iPhone. 

Arezzo Italy
Santa Maria della Pieve  The church is documented since as early as 1008, and, during the communal period of Arezzo, it was the stronghold of the city's struggle against its bishops. After the latter built the nearby Cathedral and palace, the church, which had been already rebuilt in the 12th century, was further renovated with the façade and the apse, and the interior was remade in Gothic style (13th century).
The bell tower, finished in 1330, is in Romanesque style.
Plan of the church


The church's most striking feature is its façade, with a five-arch lower floor surmounted by three loggias, with the number of columns increasing with the elevation. The columns, and its capitals, are each different from the other (one is a statue). The original façade had no particular features, the current decoration having been added in the 12th century.
View of the apse
The central portal has a barrel vault entrance, and a lunette with a bes-relief of the Praying Madonna with Angels. Under her is a frieze with small angels, and the signature by one Marchionne. In the vault are depictions of the Months of the school of Benedetto Antelami. The two side portals, of smaller proportions, have also decorated lunettes: they depict "Christ Baptized by John" on the right and, at the left, a vegetable motif.
Igreja Santa Maria della Pieve Arezzo.jpg
Interesting don't you think?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Cathy K!

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