Thursday, January 17, 2019

January 17, 2019 Thursday #Healedandforgiven#Danceanddrink#Keepbusy#Earlychoirdirector!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 2  ..."When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven."  Now some of the scribes were sitting there, questioning in their hearts...."Who can forgive sins but God alone?""     Jesus has power over all on earth and in heaven.      He also healed the paralytic, who, walked away whole - and forgiven.  Often we only think of healing of our earthly selves when Jesus knows that it is our souls that need healing.  When Jesus sees your faith, can you believe that you are healed?  I hope so.

Get Fit
Inspirational Fitness Quotes : Dancer’s Body Workout. Go to for a version you can print and videos of the exercises.

I found this on a dancers workshop and its true!  Get your exercise dancing and drink water!!

On this day
2016   Two years ago, I had just lost Mom in December and was adjusting to all the things I did with her for the last 14 years,being over.  Nicole was home, (sometime) and on this day she went to an Episcopal church in Plymouth to do a camp Sunday.  They do these to raise awareness in hopes that kids will come to camp in the summer and get an extra dose of Youth Christianity.  I went to First English, stayed for a women of the church meeting and came home.  Waynette came home to and spent the day, went to council in the evening and then spent the night here so she didn't have to drive home, which is a distance from church.  New habits and routines haven't replaced Mom but they keep me busy.  What do you do to keep busy?

1562 - French Protestants were recognized under the Edict of St. Germain.  These would all make for interesting Bible studies.

Arezzo Italy
  • Guido d'Arezzo, music theorist of the Middle Ages; inventor of modern music notation; born in Arezzo around the year 991
  • Guido was a Benedictine monk from the Italian city-state of Arezzo. Recent research has dated his Micrologus to 1025 or 1026; since Guido stated in a letter that he was thirty-four when he wrote it,[1] his birthdate is presumed to be around 991 or 992. His early career was spent at the monastery of Pomposa, on the Adriatic coast near Ferrara. While there, he noted the difficulty that singers had in remembering Gregorian chants.
    He came up with a method for teaching the singers to learn chants in a short time, and quickly became famous throughout north Italy. However, he attracted the hostility of the other monks at the abbey, prompting him to move to Arezzo, a town which had no abbey, but which did have a large group of cathedral singers, whose training Bishop Tedald invited him to conduct.  Choir directors !
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sharon, Kaitlyn and Betty!!

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