Thursday, January 10, 2019

January 10, 2019 Thursday#You Feed them#Work Work#Donatus of Arezzo

Get Faith
John chapter 6   "Where are we to buy bread for these people to eat?"    ...Jesus took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated; so also the fish, as much as they wanted....          Throughout the Bible there are stories of how kings and leaders fed the multitudes.  Some stored up in giant buildings grain when they knew it was to be 7 years drought and famine as Joseph predicted.  Moses prayed for food and received manna for the people in the desert.  One women had an oil jar and grain that was continually refilled.  But none multiplied a boys basket of barley loaves and two fish to feed so many.  Jesus manifested his power over nature in feeding the people.  He gives us what we need to sustain us, first and most important our faith.  This is the faith that we need to remember that we are saved and forgiven for eternal life.  Thank you Jesus.

On this day
2008  This was a busy year.  Nicole was working at Moosejaw and taking classes at Wayne State.  I was working at Clancy's all week and then going up to care for Fitz on the weekends.  He was an old friend of Clancys that had gone blind and wished to stay in his beautiful house up in Marine City.  So I went up on Fridays and cooked and cleaned and drove him all over northern Macomb, then came home on Sunday late afternoon.  So on this day which was a Thursday I was packing up and getting my house settled for Mom for the weekend.  Like I said it was busy - every year offers different possibilities and opportunities.  Keep you eye out for what yours will be.

1840 - The penny post, whereby mail was delivered at a standard charge rather than paid for by the recipient, began in Britain. Ha!  those days are gone - a penny?  ha!

Arezzo Italy
The first cathedral of Arezzo was built on the nearby Pionta Hill, over the burial place of Donatus of Arezzo, martyred in 363. In 1203 Pope Innocent III had the cathedral moved within the city's walls, to the current site. The cathedral however lost the relics of Donatus, which were transferred to the church of San Donato in Castiglione Messer Raimondo (in what is now the province of Teramo). In spite of this, the cathedral is still dedicated to Saint Donatus and at the high altar houses a 14th-century arch named after him.
The construction of the current structure, started in 1278, went through different phases, and ended in 1511. The façade was built in 1901-1914, replacing the previous, unfinished one, dating to the 15th century.
It was the seat of the Bishop of Arezzo from the 3rd century until 1986, and from 1986 onwards has been that of the present Bishop of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro.
  Lets go visit here today.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday P Chris! and Lisa!

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