Tuesday, January 8, 2019

January 8, 2019 Tuesday #Believe#Pilates#minor setback#Galileo#Sightseeing!

Get Faith
John chapter 4  Now there was a royal official whose son lay ill in Capernaum.....The official said to him, "Sir come down before my little boy dies."  Jesus said to him, "Go; your son will live."
This was after the miracle at the wedding in Cana, so, I imagine the word got around.  The man believed what Jesus told him and went home.  Would you believe?  Is your faith strong enough to believe that He could heal at a moments notice?  Would you believe?  Let's work on our faith.

Get Fit
Ok, did some Pilates, strengthening the legs, buttocks, arms and abs.  Now if I can be rid of the fat overlay I'll be good!

On this day
2008  As I read this day I thought -"wow everyone was waiting on me".  So I read back and found out I had gone to the hospital the previous week with chest pain.  It was my gall bladder but - just in case they did a cardiac catherization and nicked my artery.  So, I was flat out for a week or so at home.  Nicole went down to Wayne State for a teaching exam and Jeff stopped by to pick up the Sunday School material for the next day.  The boss even called, and this was a Saturday, to see how I was doing.  Probably worried about his office being covered.  That's a reality, not an insult, fortunately it was winter with not much going on.

1642 - Astronomer Galileo Galilei died in Arcetri, Italy. Good fact to remember!

Arezzo Italy
Piazza Grande
Aerial view
City wall
The Vasari Loggia on Piazza Grande
Cathedral of Arezzo
The Communal Palace in Arezzo
Church of San Domenico
Santa Maria della Pieve
Cimabue's Crucifix in the church of San Domenico, 1265–1268
The Tarlati polyptych by Pietro Lorenzetti, 1320, at Santa Maria della Pieve; includes a depiction of Donatus of Arezzo (far left)
Roman amphitheatre

Piazza Grande[edit]

The Piazza Grande is the most noteworthy medieval square in the city, opening behind the 13th century Romanesque apse of Santa Maria della Pieve. Once the main marketplace of the city, it is currently the site of the Giostra del Saracino ("Joust of the Saracen"). It has a sloping pavement in red brick with limestone geometrical lines. Aside from the apse of the church, other landmarks of the square include:
  • The Palace of the Lay Fraternity (Fraternita dei Laici): 14th–15th century palazzo, with a Gothic ground floor and a quattrocento second floor by Bernardo Rossellino.
  • The Vasari Loggia along the north side, a flat Mannerist façade designed by Giorgio Vasari.
  • Episcopal Palace, seat of the bishops, rebuilt in the mid-13th century. The interior has frescoes by Salvi CastellucciTeofilo Torri and Pietro Benvenuti. In front of the Palace is the Monument to Grand Duke Ferdinando I de' Medici (1595), by Pietro Francavilla, following a design of Giambologna.
  • Palazzo Cofani-Brizzolari, with the Torre Faggiolana.
  • Remains of the Communal Palace and the Palazzo del Popolo can also be seen.

Beautiful Pictures and a great day to go sightseeing!!

See!  check out the wall

This looks like a sports arena to me.

Kind of plain.

Not impressive either

This is smaller but a little better.

Is that a bell tower?

The suffering and death of our Lord

Mary and the Saints  (Catholic)

I'm assuming what it left of it?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Janice!

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