Friday, January 11, 2019

January 11, 2019 Friday#Walkonthewater#Riseup#Momandi#StfrancisofAssisi.

Get Faith
John chapter 6 ....They saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were terrified.  But he said to them, "It is I; do not be afraid."    The raging sea was a symbol of evil powers in those days -so you can imagine their terror at seeing anyone walking toward them on the water.  We have a different knowledge of raging seas, but possibly the same healthy fear.  The same thing is that you can welcome Jesus with open arms into your life and get the feeling that you are safe and he will guide you through the storms of life.

Get Fit
Tried a little Jillian and her circuit training this morning.  I won't lie, I didn't get far - but I tried.  I am telling myself that this new regimen of working 4 days a week will settle in and my energy and strength will rise up to meet the challenge.  Wish me luck and YOU too!

On this day
2009  Was a Sunday and after church I helped Waynette with lunch for the Mission Festival.  I'm sure she remembers this I don't, but Mom and Nicole got back from Lansing in time for 11 service and the lunch.  I'm sure it was good in typical Waynette fashion.  Mom and I went to neighbor Ty's moms funeral on this day, she was too young and it was very sudden.  Very hard on the family.  Mom and I stopped at Gilbert's on the way home for dinner.  Mom and I spent a lot of time together during these years, best friends I would say.  We always complimented ourselves on picking good food, we were rich we said, and it shows on this day.  Do you eat well?  and are you thankful? 

1861 - Alabama seceded from the United States. Really??

Arezzo Italy
 The Basilica of San Francesco is a late Medieval church in ArezzoTuscanyItaly, dedicated to St Francis of Assisi. It is especially renowned for housing in the chancel the fresco cycle Legends of the True Cross by Piero della Francesca.
 San Francesco is the second church built by the Franciscans in Arezzo, an earlier church being located outside the city walls and destroyed during the Occupation. The building work on San Francesco was begun around 1290. The decoration of its façade was never realised.
The interior presents as a large church of simple unadorned design with a wide single nave, flanked on the left side by some chapels and, on the right side, by some niches. The tall groin-vaulted chancel is of square plan.[1]
Beneath the church is a smaller Chiesa inferiore or "Lower Church" as at Assisi, with a nave and two aisles, now used as exhibition hall.
Arezzo-Basilica di San Francesco.jpg Love to go there today!  Look it up!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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