Wednesday, January 2, 2019

January 2, 2018 Wednesday #Believe#Schedule#Blades US#Etruscan capital!

Get Faith
John  Chapter 6  "I am the living bread that came down from heaven.  Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh."  The Son of God came down to dwell among us, if you read the Gospels, understand who Jesus is and what He did for you, you will be saved for eternal life with him.  In His death and resurrection He has bought your forgiveness from your sins by sacrificing His own life, and you may be with Him in the resurrected life we will share.  Believe in Him.

Get Fit
Back on track with AM yoga.  Getting a slow start but I will pick up except I am starting a new part time job and will have to work around that schedule.  Give some thought to how you can get a work out in most days of the week.  You won't be sorry.

On this day
1998  I started out by exercising!  I called the boss and asked if he needed me in, it was a Friday and very slow, as construction is this time of year.  I said I would come in and do the bank deposit and then leave.  I picked up Nicole and friends Jen and Christina and took them to Blades US and the girls spent the day roller blading and wall climbing.  When we left we stopped by Chris and Steve's in Birmingham for a quick visit on our way home.  The place isn't around anymore, now it is a Senior Residence.  Lol

1998 - Russia began circulating new rubles in effort to keep inflation in check and promote confidence. Fresh money - laundered?

Arezzo Italy


Described by Livy as one of the Capitae Etruriae (Etruscan capitals), Arezzo (Aritim in Etruscan) is believed to have been one of the twelve most important Etruscan cities—the so-called Dodecapolis, part of the Etruscan League. Etruscan remains establish that the acropolis of San Cornelio, a small hill next to that of San Donatus, was occupied and fortified in the Etruscan period. There is other significant Etruscan evidence: parts of walls, an Etruscan necropolis on Poggio del Sole (still named "Hill of the Sun"), and most famously, the two bronzes, the "Chimera of Arezzo" (5th century BC) and the "Minerva" (4th century BC) which were discovered in the 16th century and taken to Florence. Increasing trade connections with Greece also brought some elite goods to the Etruscan nobles of Arezzo: the krater painted by Euphronios c. 510 BC depicting a battle against Amazons (in the Museo Civico, Arezzo 1465) is unsurpassed.    This is a very historical area and one I would really like to visit.  How about you?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Rosemary Y and Don H!!

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