Wednesday, January 16, 2019

January 16, 2019 Wednesday #ChooseFaith#PickPilates#Findjobs#Sameole#Lifeisbeautiful!

Get Faith
Mark Chapter 1  "A leper came to him begging him, and kneeling he said to him, "If you choose, you can make me clean."  Moved with pity, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, and said to him, "I do choose.  Be made clean:"  Immediately the leprosy left him, and he was made clean." 
Why did the the leper ask if he chose to make him clean?  Charlatans or fake healers, in those days might have had to make a judgement of whether it was worth their time, if he had money to pay or if he was in there employ to appear to need healing and then could fake the show. Did the leper think he was one of those?  Why would Jesus choose to heal this man?  Did he see an opportunity to heal his sin and give him faith?  Maybe to build the momentum of His ministry, just starting, to have those who could believe in the true Word, to come to faith.  The opportunity is still open today - Jesus wants you to come to faith - be baptized and believe.

Get Fit
In working at the salon now I am meeting more people, which is like money to me.  I love the different personalities.  One lady, I'll guess my age or older comes in once a week to have her long blond hair styled, or whatever and nails.  She has so far had on work out clothes.  She was complaining to her stylist that her Pilates gym had closed and she had to find a new one.  I suggested one I had seen but she said it wasn't (basically) up to her standards.  I like my Pilate videos at home in the privacy of my living room, in whatever "gym clothes" I find.  Which ever you like try Pilates it has a lot to offer!

On this day
2014  I was going to work with Nicole at Fulex a couple times a month at this time.  I have had many jobs in my lifetime - looking back they were all enjoyable in their own way.  This job was mainly entering data into their computer for billing.  Think about all the different jobs you have had and all the different things you learned and all the people you met at those jobs.  What a bounty of information and growth! 

1572 - The Duke of Norfolk was tried for treason for complicity in the Ridolfi plot to restore Catholicism in England. He was executed on June 2. I really feel like there are a million untold stories in our history, why do they keep remaking all the same stories?  Like Aladdin?

Arezzo Italy

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday Cheryl!!

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