Saturday, January 5, 2019

January 5, 2019 Saturday #Faith memorys#Party#Non-ace#Beautiful church

Get Faith
John 15  "Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me.  I am the vine, you are the branches."  This reminds me of a beloved Pastor of ours who used to do this as a song with the catechism kids.  He would enact a vine and branches, much to the entertainment of the young teens.  Whenever I hear this song or read this verse I am reminded of him.  Our faith is fueled by Pastors and teachers that leave Bible memories in our minds and hearts.

On this day
2002  This is a pretty boring time of year for most of us.  We are undecorating, maybe shoveling or going to your friend's birthday party if you are lucky.  That is what Nicole did on this day - went to Jamie's birthday party.  We were also making plans for a big birthday party for Mom which didn't happen for a while - but it was a lot of work getting ready for.

2002 - A 15 year-old student pilot, Charles Bishop, crashed a small plane into a building in Tampa, FL. Bishop was about to begin a flying lesson when he took off without permission and without an instructor. Strangely enough I remember this.  Ah, the boldness of youth.

Arezzo Italy
The commune of Arezzo threw off the control of its bishop in 1098 and was an independent city-state until 1384. Generally Ghibelline in tendency, it opposed Guelph Florence. In 1252 the city founded its university, the Studium. After the rout of the Battle of Campaldino (1289), which saw the death of Bishop Guglielmino Ubertini [it], the fortunes of Ghibelline Arezzo started to ebb, apart from a brief period under the Tarlati family, chief among them Guido Tarlati, who became bishop in 1312 and maintained good relations with the Ghibelline party. The Tarlati sought support in an alliance with Forlì and its overlords, the Ordelaffi, but failed: Arezzo yielded to Florentine domination in 1384; its individual history was subsumed by that of Florence and the Medicean Grand Duchy of Tuscany. During this period Piero della Francesca worked in the church of San Francesco di Arezzo producing the splendid frescoes, recently restored, which are Arezzo's most famous works. Afterwards the city began an economical and cultural decay, which ensured that its medieval centre was preserved.
At the chancel entrance is suspended a very large painted rood crucifix by one Master of San Francesco, a contemporary of Cimabue. It also contains a Maesta or "Madonna in Majesty" by Guido da Siena.
The walls and particularly the niches on the right have some fresco decoration, which dates in part to the 14th century.
The Cappella Maggiore, (Major Chapel or chancel) houses one of the masterworks of Italian Early Renaissance, a fresco cycle by Piero della Francesca depicting the Legend of the True Cross.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Courtney and Diane!!

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