Thursday, January 31, 2019

January 31, 2019 Thursday#Powerovernature#healing#StufforTime?#DaytriptoSardinia

Get Faith
Mark chapter 6  "Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before the people; and he divided the two fish among them all.  And all ate and were filled; and they took up twelve baskets full of broken pieces and of the fish."  This is the third week after Epiphany and this theme is how Jesus manifests his power over nature.  The 5,000 or more people who were following Him were doing so for a reason.  They believed he was powerful in what He said and did.  They knew they were in the presence of something wonderful and great for them.  On this day he answered their need for food by asking God to bless it and then having enough to feed all of them with what started out as five loaves and two fish.  In accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior you become one of the chosen, a child of God, adopted by Him to belong to the family of God, forgiven and loved.

Get Fit
And with this horrible weather of sub degree temps we need to stay healthy.  My daughter goes to the gym.  I stick to working out in the morning and did stretches and things that are not irritating my hip.  After going to the chiropractor yesterday,  I still cleaned house and paid the price.  I am a firm believer in keep moving.  What about you?  Do you rest until it goes away? Or do you try to find ways to heal faster and maybe do damage?  It is a hard call.

On this day
1989  Nicole was 4 and went to Co-op, which was in our church school building.  She loved it from the very first day.  It probably helped that she had been attending Sunday School in this building since she was two and I was probably downstairs working on Sunday School as I was the Superintendent of the Sunday School.  I think kids get used to situations like day care and it makes it easier to transfer into regular school, so much now that kindergarten goes full days in a lot of cases.  I had a mom that was home all of the time and I was home with Nicole till she was 8.  I feel like kids have a stronger sense of family and security when home with loved ones.  My girlfriend Pam is caring for her two grandsons right now and I feel like they are doing well because of that.  I understand the both parents work now a day, but, I can't help but think less "stuff" is better and more "time" makes a difference.  I know you have an opinion on this.

1747 - The first clinic specializing in the treatment of venereal diseases was opened at London Dock Hospital.   Well, what can be said about that?  I know that many people died of it in insane asylums.

From Arezzo Italy to Bosa Sardinia
Map of Italy
So here we see Arezzo north east of Rome.  I think a nice drive down to Rome and then a boat ride over to Sardinia would be super today!  How about it?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Cathy D, Alison C and Robert B!!!

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