Sunday, January 27, 2019

January 27, 2019 Sunday #Becalled#Januaryblahs#Bikingtour!

Get Faith
Matthew 4  18-22  "And he said them, "Follow me, and I will make you fish for people."   Jesus called Simon (Peter) and his brother Andrew to follow him.  They left their nets and went with Him to learn and gain their faith in the Lord.  James and John also joined them to be involved in this mission that has changed the world, changed those who follow Him and changed our look at the future.  The disciples knew "the teacher" was their leader right from the start.  They fell in love with what He taught, his miracles and His promise of a better life.  He showed them the Way and the Truth and the Life, which is our Savior.  Read this chapter yourself and begin your travel with the true Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.  Be caught in His net and get a fishing pole going to "catch" others to lead and find a better life and live in peace.

On this day
1985  I'm pretty sure it wasn't a snowy 17 degree day like today is.  Mark went to work at the marina. (Probably getting boats ready for the yearly boat show at Cobo.)  Andy and Alice came over and helped me clean the garage and Alice and I took the bottle's back - all which could have been a huge job. (After the holiday's returnable collection)  I was pregnant with Nicole so I imagine all were catering to me.  AHHH those were the days!  What do you do on cold snowy winter days?

1985 - The Coca-Cola Company, of Atlanta, GA, announced a plan to sell its soft drinks in the Soviet Union.  It's the real thing...what the world wants today...  remember that Coke tune?

Arezzo Italy

Biking Tours in Tuscany

Biking in Tuscany will allow you to immerse yourself in (arguably) the most dramatic and passionate region of Italy. Bike on quiet roads over rolling hills through the heart of Tuscany. Gorgeous golden hillsides, rich artistic heritage, gentle biking paths and great food and wine at the end of a day’s biking make this tour a perfect mix of what makes Tuscany great.
Choose the best biking in Tuscany tour for you; from biking Chianti & SienaFlorence to Montepulciano or Pisa to Florence, our tours are sure to offer an authentic Italian experience on two wheels. With our wide range of bike tours in Italy, we're sure you'll be returning again soon. 
 That sounds great!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sharon!

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