Friday, January 18, 2019

January 18, 2019 Friday#Healedandforgiven#ABS#Computerwoes#Etruscan!

Get Faith
Mark  chapter 2  ", they said to his disciples, "Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?"  When Jesus heard this, he said to them "Those who are well have no need of a a physician, but those who are sick;  I have come to call not the righteous but sinners."      Who are the righteous?  Those who think  they are perfect and can handle all on their own?  The rich?  Jesus came for the sinners, those who know they are in need of soul healing.  Those who know they are sick in this life.  He did heal physical infirmities, yes, but,  what He came to heal was the sin in all of us.  Be healed - look to Jesus.

Get Fit
I went on you tube and found a video of 3 young girls doing a 10 minute ab workout.  LOL.   I went along and didn't even go with girl taking the easier route.  Huh, I'll regret that later.  Do what you can!  Get those 6 packs ready!  (not the beer)

On this day
2017  Do you do all your banking on line?  I have learned to and pay bills, etc.  It is great, and I love it, but, on this day I couldn't get through something stopping me from getting on line.  I am fortunate that Nicole has been living with me and is usually here when I have trouble.  She fixed it and life went on.  How do you cope?  I know friends that pack up the laptop or PC and take it to a repair place and have to wait days to get it back.  I have both a laptop and PC but don't use them both for the same thing.  I think that should be a goal this year - get them both on the same page, so to speak.  What is your advice?

1778 - English navigator Captain James Cook discovered the Hawaiian Islands, which he called the "Sandwich Islands."   That sounds like a lot of bologna to me.

Arezzo Italy
Not everyone knows that Arezzo is an ancient city, older than Alexandria in Egypt! To discover Arezzo you need to have a smattering of understanding about its past. Arezzo was one of the main Etruscan city-states. Later in life it became a Roman city of strategic importance, a nerve center of vibrant commerce, a place brimming with monuments such as the Ampitheater, whose remains can still be seen today. Back in those days Arezzo’s foundries were well known, as too were the city’s artistic workshops of “coralline” pots, which were painted red and whose decorative technique extended throughout the Roman world.   
Sounds great!  lets explore some of these places!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Jenny!

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