Monday, January 14, 2019

January 14, 2019 Monday#PraytoGod#Stayontrack#McDonalds#GiostradelSaracino

Get Fit
Mark chapter 1 - "After Jesus was baptized, the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness.  He was tempted by Satan, he was with the wild beasts and the angles waited on him."
I'm not sure that wanting to spend time with God in prayer and meditation would be asking for the situation  Jesus found himself in.  But, we do find ourselves in the presence of Satan quite often - and wild beasts?  we try to avoid.  The Bible tells us that we are visited by angels unbeknownst to us.  But Jesus spent 40 days becoming our Savior in human form, he faced human problems and trials.  But even the Son of God knew who to pray to in times of trouble - He took it to His Father, God.  This is an option you too can turn to when you need strength, hope and guidance.  Light a candle and say  a prayer - God is listening.

Get Fit
Now that I am down to only 4 days of mornings when I can exercise, I dare not miss one.  I worked out the legs, abs and arms with resistance bands this morning.  I try to remind myself that since I have cut back on days I need to lengthen the time I spend on those days.  I'm adjusting.  How is your exercise program coming along?  I see some are hitting the gym quite often!  That's good!  Keep it up.

On this day
2013  My poor mom was having problems with the colostomy bag they put on her.  When you are 91 your skin and body don't adjust too well to changes and I had to take her to the doctor that put it on her.  When they shake their head in a dismissive way, you realize that nothing can be done to solve the problem and you just have to go to further methods to make it work.  This was a frustrating day for her when she asked if he could just reverse it and take it off.  He apologized and said it wasn't possible.  So I did what any good daughter would do - I took her to McDonald s for lunch.  She was a trooper and resolved to handle it better.   Later in the day I went to the airport to pick up Nicole and Aaron coming home from Florida. 

1784 - The United States ratified a peace treaty with England ending the Revolutionary War. 

Arezzo Italy
  • Arezzo is home to an annual medieval festival called the Saracen Joust (Giostra del Saracino). In this, "knights" on horseback representing different areas of the town charge at a wooden target attached to a carving of a Saracen king and score points according to accuracy. Virtually all the town's people dress up in medieval costume and enthusiastically cheer on the competitors.  This sounds a lot like our Renaissance Festival here in Michigan!  Always fun!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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