Saturday, January 26, 2019

January 26, 2019 Saturday#Dirtyspirits#Recuperate#LoggiatoVasariano!

Get Faith
Mark chapter 5  "Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!"  Jesus ordered the unclean spirit or spirits in this case to leave the man who had been living in the tombs.  Jesus has power over the demons of our lives.  I think of the homeless on the streets with their demons or alcohol, drugs and mental illness.  Our world is still full of demons and unclean spirits.  Let's all pray that Jesus would help us to rid the world of these things that are a so prominent in our society.  Pray.

On this day
1984  I had been in a car accident back in November, rear ended.  I was in my friend Ty's car,  it was a rainy night and the traffic light was out on 8 Mile coming home from work.  A cop was directing traffic - in heavy rain and I saw her and stopped but the old guy behind never even tried to stop.  It pushed the trunk into the back  seat of Ty's Cadillac.  I had been going to Saratoga hospital even since for treatments on my neck  I had a really bad case of whip lash.  Well here it is 35 years later and, yes I get neck aches but probably not  any more than most people.  The point here is don't think your life is over if something like this happens.  Do all you can to recuperate from it and move foreward, don't be that couch bound, I can't work person that loses all hope.  That isn't to say that some have worse injuries and do suffer life changing problems, but try to work it out.  Don't give up.

1984 - CBS television debuted Mickey Spillane's "Mike Hammer." I thought this was an older program.

Arrezo Italy

Getting to know Arezzo means discovering a copious land of natural and artistic integrity in an extraordinarily concentrated area. The frescoes of Piero della Francesca in the Duomo are worthy of just one visit to the city. But you’ll just as easily be drawn to the medieval city center, which elegantly relates the great seasons of art and architecture in Arezzo. Alongside the medieval towers the striking Loggiato Vasariano rises up in the bluest of skies – designed by Giorgio Vasari, who was born and grew up in Arezzo; some regard this loggia as a trial run for the one he would later craft at the Uffizi in Florence). Equally mesmerizing is the Palazzo della Fraternita dei Laici, an intermingling of Gothic and Renaissance architecture, as well as the apse of Pieve di Santa Maria. The Basilica di San Domenico is home to a beautiful cross painted by Cimabue

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sarah!!

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