Sunday, January 31, 2016

January 31, 2016 Sunday #futurepastor#pastaccident#Gunpowderplot#fixthemistake#safetravel

Get Faith
I attended Holy Trinity Lutheran Church yesterday because Living Water was helping them raise awareness and water for the people of  Flint.  Nicole and camp counselors, Gabriella, BJ, Darryl, and Demetrius did the church service.  Darryl was a very energetic sermon director and I hope it is the beginning of a profession for him.

On this day
2006 - I was still working.  The bosses son had a huge problem with hitting his head quite often.  He fell off the crusher or cement blocks fell and hit him or he would forget to duck.  On this day he fell off some scaffolding and landed right on his head, they took him to the hospital.  I worried about him a lot.  Quite often I had to wash up an injury (he was bald) and patch him up.  The commercials where the guys have accidents and then jump up and yell "Im ok" remind me of him.

1606 - Guy Fawkes was executed after being convicted for his role in the "Gunpowder Plot" against the English Parliament and King James I. This sounds like a good story to read!

I feel so bad for the parents and people of  Flint who are worrying what future health problems the lead in their water has in store for them.  We try to avoid accidents like the one mentioned above and keep our kids healthy by keeping up their immunity shots and eating healthy food.  Then something unforeseen like this happens that you have no control over.  Someone should be held accountable but even more so a quick remedy must be found  and long term health insurance paid by the state to compensate and fix the mistake.  

Mykolaiv Ukraine moving to Nepal 
The areas we would have to cross to get to our new location:
Black Sea, South Russia, Caspian Sea, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and into Nepal.
I'm pretty sure we would need to circumnavigate a lot of these areas.  I don't believe we could even fly straight across.  Check out a world map and see what you think would be the best solution.  Enjoy the ride!  Did you forget anything in your hotel room?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Cathy and Alison!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

January 30, 2016 Saturday #goodchoicebreakfast#goodchoiceleadership#choiceactivity#choicefamily#footballorbasketball

Get Fit
Rita and I did a little salsa today.  It isn't always easy to get started first thing but I find it really energizes me to drink that whole glass of water and then get moving.  It sets me up for the whole day. And then I have breakfast - a healthy breakfast of yogurt and granola most days.

Get Faith
2 Chronicles 36:11-21.  In contrast to yesterdays reading from the same book, this young 21 year old became King, Zedekiah, who had no respect for God or His messengers, His word and scoffed at His prophets.  He brought evil to Judah and so God allowed the Babylonians to come in and slaughter the people and enslave the rest.  Bad leadership is a problem - pick the right leaders.

On this day
2005 - This was one of those busy days.  We had got back from winter camp at Michiluca and Gerry and I had to return the van to Milne's, stop at the grocery store, Nicole took Hilary back to Farmington Hills,came back home,had dinner, then took Mel back to Michigan State on her way to Albion.  Whew, not sure I could do that anymore.

2005 - In Iraq, the first free Parliamentary elections since 1958 took place. Good choices?  I hope.

Church family is great.  It is an extension of the immediate family that will go out of their way to help you out.  The Milne family, that own a dearlership, always loaned us large vehicles to take the kids to camps and outings. What a great family!  Many other people are always available when you need them.

Mykolaiv Ukraine 


Mykolaiv is represented within Ukrainian Bandy and Rink-bandy Federation.[28]
MFC Mykolaiv (Municipal Football Club "Mykolaiv", Ukrainian: Муніципальний футбольний клуб "Миколаїв") is a Ukrainian football club. The club has been demoted three times from the Ukrainian Premier League. MFС Mykolaiv's best achievement in the Ukrainian Premier League was 13th place (in 1994–95). MFC Mykolaiv reached 1st place in Druha Liha group A in 2010-11 season and was promoted to Persha Liha. Mykolaiv's main football stadium is at the west end of Lenin Prospekt, near the west end of the peninsula that Mykolaiv is on.[citation needed]
Mykolaiv's professional basketball team is MBC Mykolaiv. The team has won or finished second or third in several international tournaments since 1988, and won the Ukrainian Championship in 1992. MBC Mykolaiv is part of the Ukrainian Basketball SuperLeague, which is the top professional basketball league in Ukraine.[citation needed]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable  Happy Birthday Dave!

Friday, January 29, 2016

January 29, 2016 Friday #7tostayhappy#lament#choir#opera#camptunes#folkmusic!#happybirthday!

Get Fit
Photo: All About Wellness & Health - Be Healthy Mentally and Physically #wellness #healthSo there, now you know. 

Get Faith
2 Chronicles 35:20-27  Not something I am familiar with.  This talks about two kings that both seem to have God's ear and backing, but it was not Josiah's turn to be favored.  He died in battle but was remembered by the people for his devotion to God.  People sang laments in his honor commemorating the day of his death.  So we can say of those people that are faithful, they have the devotion of Josiah.

On this day
2004 All about music today.  I was singing in the choir at church this year and I really enjoyed it.  I am not a good singer and don't read music, plus I sing tenor.  So, I had to stand between really strong singers and follow their tones, if they hit a wrong note - well so did I.  I noticed during that time that I had better air when I exercised, walked or worked.  Singing is good for you and your soul.

1728 - John Gay's The Beggar's Opera was first performed at Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre, London. I bet anyone that sings opera gets a lot of air and has less breathing issues.

Nicole plays guitar and sings camp songs and has, for camp, for a number of years.  I always loved to see her at those campfires and hear all those teenagers singing praise songs to God.  NOW, that's good for the soul!

Mykolaiv Ukraine music

This is a great site to view a nice ethnic show.  Go to Ukraine music and watch some of the U Tube videos.  They are great!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable  Happy Birthday to DJ!  

Thursday, January 28, 2016

January 28, 2016 Thursday #indoorworkout#fortress#housework#regrets#Vereshchagin!

Get Fit
I  know it would be a great idea to go for a walk in the snow up here in Roscommon this morning but its beginning to look like I would need skis or snowshoes.  It is pretty to see from inside though.  And oh darn, I forgot my boots.  Maybe some yoga when I get home tonight.

Get Faith
Psalm 71:1-6  "Be to me a rock of refuge, a strong fortress, to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress."(v3)  One of the great benefits of faith is that you can get that comfort and solace from God when you need it.  You can feel His arms around you in that moment when your heart is broken.  That is available to anyone of God's children - He wants to be your rock, a strong fortress.

On this day a reprint from 2014
1967 - On this day, I did something I never do anymore.  Iron.  It used to be that you had to put time aside to iron.  The fabrics in those days required it.  We had the pop bottle with holes in the cap to sprinkle, the iron did not have a steam or spray setting.  It had some advantages.  You were standing, rather then laying on the couch watching TV.  And, I loved the smell of a clean blouse or shirt coming up in your face, I can still smell it.  Occasionaly something needs ironing these days, but, I'm not even good at it anymore.  

1909 - The United States ended direct control over Cuba. I didn't know they had it in the first place.

I confess to being a caregiver, opinionated and stubborn.  I also forget to shut up when I have had a few drinks.  Anyone else have this problem?  

Mykolaiv Ukraine
How about this art museum today?  Vereshchagin Art Museum

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

January 27, 2016 Wednesday # This is a reprint as I am out of town.

January 27, 2014 Monday

After an all nighter waiting for my daughter to get in from Utah, I'm having a hard time walking let alone exercising, maybe after a nap, or later that bicycle thing. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Hebrews chapter 12 - Jesus is the perfecter of our faith.  We can never live up to the standard he set, he knows that, but an example should be the purest form to follow don't you think?  The study writer shared an interesting point.  The southern cross, the stars in the sky, have guided many mariners on their paths, as does Christ's cross to our path.  Really, He gives us so many opportunities to follow him.

1992 - I was still working for Quality Picture Frame a couple days a week, to cover our family health insurance.  It is something you had to do then to have health insurance, not sure how well this new plan will work, time will tell.  Later that day after making dinner, I picked up Lynn for a Sunday School teachers meeting at church.  I was the Education Director at St Paul's then.  Lynn was a multi talented and wonderful person.  Her class was upper elementary, maybe 4th and 5th grade, it was always well attended, the kids loved her.  She came up with the greatest learning techniques!

Parenting - Have you all had that "please God, just let her get home safely" night?  The plane was delayed coming out of Detroit to Utah and consequently the flight back to Detroit was delayed - 4 hours. (They only have one plane that does that route, I guess)  Her flight was supposed to get in at 9 PM and didn't arrive until 1:15.  Then there was snow, 3" that came down between midnight and 3 AM., with freezing cold temperatures,   I caved and had her take a cab home.  It was after 3 when she got home.  She had a little nap on the plane, I spent the night wide awake, fighting off the cat that didn't understand why I was still up till that hour, unless it was to play with him.

Book club -  Going to add something here, I do read a lot, and recently joined a book club.  If your read, let me know some of your favorites and I will share here our pick of the month.  Currently we are reading "My Antonia" by Willa Cather, it is a classic about early settlers, some immigrants, that went out to Nebraska to make a life.  It paints a great picture of those times.

Vancouver - Just a few more days here - I like this write up:
  • Gay-friendly Vancouver

    Gay-friendly Vancouver

    Vancouver is welcoming to all people. Discover gay-friendly accommodation listings, information on LGBT events and neighbourhoods, and get a taste of just how full of pride Vancouver can be.

  • Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Nate and Sharon!
  • Tuesday, January 26, 2016

    January 26, 2016 Tuesday #donotbedetered#fromthesource#sponsor#Michigan!!#listen

    Get Fit
    I did some arm and leg weight lifting today.  I couldn't get the tv/video thing going again - thanks AT&T.  But I didn't let that stop me - picked up my weights and worked from the workout sheet I have.  Don't get talked out of exercising.  A woman on TV yesterday said her mother was always fit, she marched in place while cooking or did some squats while waiting for the kettle to boil.  Be inventive and keep moving!

    Get Faith
    Galatians 1:11-24  This is St Paul telling his story of revelation in faith, from Jew to a follower of Jesus Christ, to the Galatians.  He tells that the truth was revealed to him, not through other disciples, but by God through Jesus Christ.  He had no connection with other apostles for three years before he approached Peter.  No wonder his faith was so powerful.  We too can pray for a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthen our faith.

    On this day
    2003 - Nicole and I were sponsors for Lisa and Mike joining our church.  We knew Lisa from the last church we attended and they were planning on getting married and looking for a new church.

    1837 - Michigan became the 26th state to join the United States  Heard this on TV this morning before it died on me.  Happy Birthday Michigan!

    Reading back on this I feel bad that I didn't stay in better touch with Lisa and Mike.  That is what we are supposed to do as sponsors.  I hope that I would do a better job in the future, like my friend Gerry. She had the best grip of parishioners knowledge of anyone I knew.  She called, visited and kept touch with many people from church and kept them in the fold that way.  Good job Gerry!

    Mykolaiv Ukraine

    Mykolaiv region Radio Stations

    very surprised when I looked this up.  See for yourself.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Pastor Sarah!  

    Monday, January 25, 2016

    January 25, 2016 Monday #vitamins#laws#winterfun#weddingmarch#nophonefamilytime#Koblevo

    Get Fit
    Do you take vitamins?  I eat really healthy but am hooked on C for my immune system, Calcium w/D for my bones, Fish oil for my eyes, Magnesium for leg cramps and a Multiple for whatever else I might be missing.  What are your thoughts on this subject?

    Get Faith
    Psalm 119:89-96  "If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my misery. " v92
    To know that these laws have been passed down from thousands of years ago is in itself a testimony to the knowledge of God.  He knows how we should act, what we should do to prevail and how it will save our lives and existence. We don't like to be held accountable, but we want to be protected from someone else that feels the same way. Read the 10 Commandments, imprint them on your heart.

    On this day
    2002 - Nicole and Craig went up to Michi lu Ca with the youth group from church.  Winter camp.  Some years we had to turn people down because it was such a popular outing.  We always got a lot of dads to join up on this one and I'm guessing that is why I didn't go this year.  It was one winter activity that I truly loved.  Just being in the woods at night in a couple feet of snow with the moon shining through the trees, casting long mirrored images in shadow.......

    1858 - Mendelssohn’s "Wedding March" was presented for the first time at the wedding of the daughter of Queen Victoria and the Crown Prince of Prussia. Something for idle chatter at your next wedding.

    Parents and children all on their phones at the same time does not constitute family time.  Do you agree?  Maybe you know someone that has a cabin up north you could rent for a weekend to go and enjoy some snow time with your children.  A bonus would be that there would be no internet/phone service.  I hear you groaning now.

    Mykolaiv Ukraine

    Aquapark Koblevo


    Working hours: from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
    Aquapark Koblevo is situated in the small resort town Koblevo, between two regional centers - Odesa andMykolaiv. It's one of the biggest water parks in Ukraine; therefore, everyone will find here everything needed for interesting and diverse recreation.
    Water park's guests may take a ride on numerous breathtaking slides. And there is a whole zone for little visitors with separate children's swimming pool and ten slides. A team of instructors, who explain rules of amusements' usage and watch over visitors' safety, works on the aquapark's territory.
    Koblevo is equipped with the latest water purification system, which comes from the private artesian well. Its quality is constantly controlled by technical staff.
    The guests may refresh themselves and have a snack at the fast-food cafe that is located on the territory of the water complex. Zone's salt is a special cafe for kids.
    Cloakroom fitted with lockers and located in the administrative building, along with parking lot are at guests' disposal. How about this today?  looks fun!
    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

    Sunday, January 24, 2016

    January 24, 2016 Sunday #gethealthy#Godisgreat#rollerskating#Oleksy#familyfun#churchUkraine

    Get Fit
    Learning what to eat can help you to jump start your weight loss and getting healthier.  Just a suggestion

    Get Faith
    Luke 4:14-21  The title of this reading is Jesus Rejected at Nazareth.  "The  Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor."(v.18a)   Now I am going to go out on a limb here and say he was referring to the poor in spirit, although the people of Nazareth were not probably rich - I believe he came to save all people and sometimes the wealthy need more saving and are harder to reach than the poor.  They typically feel that they don't need God.  I hope they don't wait till they regret those thoughts.  We all need God and need to acknowledge His greatness and thank him.
    On this day
    1996 - Nicole's school had a family roller skating party at Great Skate. I picked up Karen and her two kids - Michelle and Craig and we all went skating. Nicole and Craig have been friends since kindergarten and still are. They moved on to roller hockey after a while.

    1996 - Polish Premier Jozef Oleksy resigned due to allegations that he had spied for Moscow. While we were skating.  Wonder if it was resolved.

    Now here you go, it is Sunday, cold and messy outside.  Why not take the kids or yourself and another and go to an indoor arena and skate.  If you can't skate it will be good for laughs and if you can it will be good exercise.

    Mykolaiv Ukraine
    Ukraine in religious geography lies on the boundaries separating Roman CatholicEastern Orthodox and Islamic spheres of influence. Traces of the cultural influence of Catholic Lithuania and Poland, of Kievan and Muscovite Orthodoxy, and of Tatar and Ottoman Islam combine with the Sovietlegacy[citation needed] of promoting atheism to shape the various present-day beliefs and professed beliefs of Ukrainian citizens.

    Saturday, January 23, 2016

    January 23, 2016 Saturday #Pilates#askJesus#sweet16#toomany#catchup#letsgotothetheater!

    Get Fit
    Thought I felt lazy but was energized by the Pilates and  managed to get through all of the sets.  I don't think I could do this in a room with other people.  Rolling like a ball is not anything I'd like to share.

    Get Faith
    Luke 2:39-52.  This is where Jesus, at twelve stayed in Jerusalem after his parents had left to go home. "After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions." v46  Now that would be a great Bible study, don't you think?  Talk about first had knowledge and even arguing with them about their answers.  Oh to be a fly on the wall.  What would be your first question to Jesus?

    On this day
    1994 - Aaron turned 16 on the 19th and came over for dinner on this day to celebrate with us.  His dad had moved to Florida but Grandma and Grandpa, Jan and the rest of the family were still here.  He did have a car that he had fixed up and Nicole was so excited to go for a ride with him.

    1556 - An earthquake in Shanxi Province, China, was thought to have killed about 830,000 people. Wow, that was a lot of people.  No matter how many people you have that is a huge loss.  How sad.

    I hardly go anywhere without running into someone I know.  I made a quick run to the grocery store today.  It should have only taken 1/2 hour but I ran into Charley and Steph from my old boating days and then a neighbor that lives in the next block that was a dear friend of my buddy Fitz. It is good to catch up but watch out for your ice cream.

    Mykolaiv Ukraine


    There are three performing arts theaters in Mykolaiv: the Academic Ukrainian Theater of Drama and Musical Comedy, the Mykolaiv State Puppet Theater, and the Mykolaiv Academic Art Russian Drama Theater. In addition, the Mykolaiv Oblast Philharmonic performs in the city.
    Mykolaiv has the following museums: Mykolayiv Regional Museum of Local HistoryThe Museum of Shipbuilding and Fleet, the Museum of the World War II Partisan Movement, the V. V. Vereshchagin Art Museum.
    Four movie theaters operate in Mykolaiv: Yunost' (Youth), Rodina (Motherland), Pioneer, Multiplex. Movies shown include the latest Hollywood films dubbed into Ukrainian and modern Russian films.
    Mykolayiv Regional Museum of Local History “Staroflotski Barracks”
    Николаевский областной краеведческий музей.jpg
    Location29 Naberezhnaya Street, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
    Coordinates46.971995°N 32.006714°E

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

    Friday, January 22, 2016

    January 22, 2016 Friday #disco#servicetoothers#busyinservice#resign#lovechildrenlove#education/religion!

    Get Fit
    Nothing like a little disco dancing with Richard to get you ready for the weekend.  You don't have to dance with Richard.  Find someone to go out to a place with a dance floor tonight and get moving!

    Get Faith
    Romans 12:1-8  A Living Sacrifice and humble service.  If you have not been going to church or being involved in "religion" the two things probably have you shaking your head and not in agreement I am guessing.  I am going to bet, if you are one of my friends, that you are doing both of those things, regularly, without thinking.  We all spend a good amount of time caring for our family and friends, we all share the gifts mentioned here - teaching, encouraging, giving, leading and showing mercy.  Many of you I know are very generous.  God knows you do these things and he loves you for it, but, He knows the person it benefits the most is you.  Not from a selfish point of view, but because it makes us better people to look out for others.  Thanks to God for opportunities.

    On this day
    1992 -I was the superintendant of Sunday School at St Paul's.  While Nicole was in school I went and worked on all of that business, helped mom set up tables for the Seniors meeting the next day.  After school I took Nicole and Joey (kid from across the street) to the craft store with me to get a baby blanket to make for a gift, stopped for a video for the kids, made dinner and called a couple friends and family after that.  I'm sure if you listed your days activities you would find similar things that you accomplished in one day as well, without thinking about it.

    1992 - Rebel soldiers seized the national radio station in Kinshasa, Zaire's capital, and broadcast a demand for the government's resignation. I seriously think of doing this myself - everyday.

    Who doesn't teach their kids stuff?  How to tie your shoes, pick up toys, get along with others?  We, most of us encourage our kids and friends to keep going you are doing a good job, I know you can do it.  We teach them to share, collect canned goods etc.  We set an example of leading by showing them how,what and why we do things.  We show them to care for others by doing that ourselves.  Children learn most of the basics from the examples of their families at an early age.  I think if it is a good scenario they carry that into school and on into adult life.  A bad childhood is where the rest of us have to step in and correct or pay the consequences.  We are our  brothers keepers.

    Mykolaiv Ukraine


    There are several universities in Mykolaiv. The main universities are: Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (leading shipbuilding university in Ukraine), Petro Mohyla Black Sea State UniversitySukhomlinsky National University of Mykolaiv and Mykolaiv State Agrarian University.
    There are 10 higher education institutions in Mykolaiv of level III or IV accreditation. 65 general education schools, lycees, gymnasium schools, 3 evening schools, and 12 private learning institutions are in the city.



    St. Pantheleymon Church

    Mykolaiv is the headquarters of the Mykolaiv Episcopate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which has 18 churches (temples) in the city.
    Mykolaiv is also the headquarters of the Mykolaiv Episcopate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate.
    Religious organizations and other faiths are broadly represented in the city

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!
    Happy Birthday to Diana!

    Thursday, January 21, 2016

    January 21, 2015 Thursday #WOW#Godislove#Momsarelove#king#badroads

    Get Fit
    I have it on my list of things to do today, a womens workout place right by my house.  I want to see what it is about.  Always keep an open mind to a new venue.

    Get Faith
    Psalm 19  God is perfection in creation.  God is all knowing.  God is forgiving.  God is strong.  He is everything and loves you with all your imperfections, all that you don't know, all that you don't forgive and in all your weakness.  He knows you and loves you forever.  Thank you God. "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. (v.14)

    On this day
    1991 - I was sick this day and Mom came over to take Nicole to school.  It was probably cold and Nicole was 6, still in kindergarten - It was probably the afternoon session or Mark would have taken her I suppose.

    1793 - During the French Revolution, King Louis XVI was executed on the guillotine. He had been condemned for treason. It's not always good to be king.  

    I'm sure over the years to come, reading back in my journal there will be a million times I mention Mom and all she has done for me.  That is what moms usually do.  I feel bad for young women that have children when their mom is not near by, or not available or passed on.  Hopefully others in their friends and family will fill in.  Thanks Mom.  

    Mykolaiv Ukraine


    Road on Varvarivskyi bridge, Mykolaiv
    The main north-south highway that passes through Mykolaiv is H (or M)-14.
    The main East-West Highway that passes through Mykolaiv is E-58 M-14 (West and then South to Odessa), and South East to Kherson, a major port on the Dneper River, just before it flows into the Black Sea. The E-58 M-14 then continues East to the major industrial city and port in South Eastern Ukraine, Mariupol'.
    The main highways to and from Mykolaiv are from Kherson (65 km (40 mi)), Odessa (120 km (75 mi)), Uman (320 km (199 mi)), Chişinău (Kishniev), Moldova (325 km (202 mi)), the Crimean Peninsula (350 km (217 mi), Kiev (500 km (311 mi), Kharkiv (520 km (323 mi), Lviv (350 km (217 mi) (Western Ukraine). Ukraine's roads, including those leading from Mykolaiv, tend to be poorly maintained and can be very dangerous.

      How about we take a drive today?  Watch out for those bad roads!  

    Wednesday, January 20, 2016

    January 20, 2016 Wednesday #diyyoga#love#snow#hero#truelove#safeguard

    Get Fit
    There is a 30 day challenge video on Google that you might want to try.  Set up your lap top on a coffee table, throw a beach towel on the floor, put on some soft clothes and give it a try in the comfort of your own home.  I have an electric fireplace that really makes it for me.

    Get Faith
    Song of Songs/Song of Solomon  4:9-5:1  "Eat, friends, and drink; drink your fill of love."(5:1)  The writer says that God is not mentioned once in this book, so the love poetry is about human physical love.  If you are looking for a verse for upcoming valentines day, this would be the place.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and true love makes everything in life better.  It will warm up your day, go on read it.

    On this day
    1987 - We had a snowstorm the day before so I took Nicole out to play in the snow.  She was 2 and we were out for an hour, I'm sure it was my decision to go in not hers.  She still loves to play in the snow.

    1987 - Anglican Church envoy Terry Waite was kidnapped in Beirut, Lebanon. He was there attempting to negotiate the release of Western hostages. He was not freed until November 1991. Some people take the higher road to activism and pay the price, four years is a long time in prison for being a nice guy.  God will bless him.

    I am not a person that is good on this topic.  I can only say what I have seen in others.  My brother and his wife have been together 30 years.  They put each other first, they don't always get along, their life is not perfect - but don't come between them.  My nephew Scott's family seem to have a corner on good marriage, with faith, children and good economics making a solid base for great marriages.  I am glad my niece/god daughter Lindsey married into this.  My friend Don had a great marriage and family life.  He had supported his family and took care of them and after his wife passed, he still keeps a good relationship with his daughters and the grandchildren.  Spouses and family are not synonymous, but children grow up and away and your mate, in a good fit, will still be there.  Read a passage of Song of Solomon together.

    Mykolaiv Ukraine

    Ukrainian military presence[edit]

    Mykolaiv, being an important strategic city in southern Ukraine has a significant Ukrainian military presence, including the shipyards that build Ukraine's surface navy ships, the Mykolaiv Ukrainian Navy base, the "MARP" aircraft repair factory (Mykolaiv), and the Kulbakino army base (in the Mykolaiv Oblast, outside of the city of Mykolaiv).[citation needed]
    Previously for many years after World War II the city had been home to the 92nd Guards Motor Rifle Division, the former 92nd Guards Rifle Division.  I suppose the rift between Ukraine and Russia makes this important.  Too bad it is relevant.  I feel the culture is so much more important.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Don! and Steven!