Thursday, January 21, 2016

January 21, 2015 Thursday #WOW#Godislove#Momsarelove#king#badroads

Get Fit
I have it on my list of things to do today, a womens workout place right by my house.  I want to see what it is about.  Always keep an open mind to a new venue.

Get Faith
Psalm 19  God is perfection in creation.  God is all knowing.  God is forgiving.  God is strong.  He is everything and loves you with all your imperfections, all that you don't know, all that you don't forgive and in all your weakness.  He knows you and loves you forever.  Thank you God. "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. (v.14)

On this day
1991 - I was sick this day and Mom came over to take Nicole to school.  It was probably cold and Nicole was 6, still in kindergarten - It was probably the afternoon session or Mark would have taken her I suppose.

1793 - During the French Revolution, King Louis XVI was executed on the guillotine. He had been condemned for treason. It's not always good to be king.  

I'm sure over the years to come, reading back in my journal there will be a million times I mention Mom and all she has done for me.  That is what moms usually do.  I feel bad for young women that have children when their mom is not near by, or not available or passed on.  Hopefully others in their friends and family will fill in.  Thanks Mom.  

Mykolaiv Ukraine


Road on Varvarivskyi bridge, Mykolaiv
The main north-south highway that passes through Mykolaiv is H (or M)-14.
The main East-West Highway that passes through Mykolaiv is E-58 M-14 (West and then South to Odessa), and South East to Kherson, a major port on the Dneper River, just before it flows into the Black Sea. The E-58 M-14 then continues East to the major industrial city and port in South Eastern Ukraine, Mariupol'.
The main highways to and from Mykolaiv are from Kherson (65 km (40 mi)), Odessa (120 km (75 mi)), Uman (320 km (199 mi)), Chişinău (Kishniev), Moldova (325 km (202 mi)), the Crimean Peninsula (350 km (217 mi), Kiev (500 km (311 mi), Kharkiv (520 km (323 mi), Lviv (350 km (217 mi) (Western Ukraine). Ukraine's roads, including those leading from Mykolaiv, tend to be poorly maintained and can be very dangerous.

  How about we take a drive today?  Watch out for those bad roads!  

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