Sunday, January 10, 2016

January 10, 2016 Sunday #shovel#dontgiveuponGod#immigrants#rubberbandman#BogdanvonGlazenap!

Get Fit
First snow of the season - if you aren't fit - pay your neighbor to shovel or blow.

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 3:6a "a time to search and a time to give up,"  I suppose it makes a difference what you are searching for.  So many people search to find themselves or a mate.  Some search for the perfect job or a home or even a car.  There is a situation when you are looking for a person who is lost that would call for another criteria I think.  A lost ring? Lost childhood?  How about searching for God?  In that case I would say never give up - but many have.  God is still  looking for you and never gives up.

On this day
2008 - It was a rainy cold day and the bosses brother Jay brought his 3 grandsons in and dropped them off with me.  I had truck coloring books in the office and a few games and things but after a while they were looking for something else to do.  I would go out and stay in the scale doing some paper work for a while and the boys would play one of their favorite games.  I had a bag of  rubber bands and 12' up on a beam in that back room was a nail sticking out.  The boss walked in one day and caught all 4 of us playing rubber bands.  It was my pay for watching the boys I said.

1920 - The League of Nations ratified the Treaty of Versailles, officially ending World War I with Germany.  My grandfather fought for the Germans in this war.  My mother was born in 1922 and they - Grandma, Grandpa, Theodore and my Mom came to the United States in 1924.  Mom said he didn't want to stay in Germany and never spoke of it again. Wish I had known him.  He died when I was a baby and grandma before that.

I just loved Jay, he was a great guy, helpful and kind.  We became good friends and after so many years you see into a person.  Jay's wife was a woman that was always dressed up, nice hair and make up and lots of jewelry.  His daughter was the same and had been through a few men, none of which Jay liked, even the boys father.  Jay's son was gay and lived down south.  Jay had a good relationship and they traveled a lot together with Jay and his mate so I know he was at peace with it.  But.  he took those grand sons under his wing - took them to hockey and was always involved in their lives.  I think he felt he had not spent enough time with his son.  Seriously, the only one that had issues was the daughter.  When she  moved to Colorado with another guy that she married Jay promptly retired, sold his house and moved out there, next door.  Determination.

Mykolaiv Ukraine  
From 1860 to 1871, the military Governor of Mykolaiv was Bogdan von Glazenap. His highest command in the town was in 1862. He encouraged foreign vessels to call at the commercial port and encouraged foreigners to come to Mykolaiv to live. Therefore, foreign governments established foreign consulates in Mykolaiv. This led to the transformation of Mykolaiv into a large commercial port.[citation needed]
Shipyard in Mykolaiv circa 1900.
By the late 19th century, Mykolaiv's port ranked third in the Russian Empire, after Saint Petersburg and Odessa, in terms of trade with foreign countries. In addition, grain export suppliers of the steppe region (of Ukraine and Southern Russia) were first in the Russian Empire. Mykolaiv had become a great industrial center in the South of Ukraine.[13]

Bogdan von Glazenap was another hero!  Great photo >

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  

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