Friday, January 1, 2016

January 1, 2016 Friday Happy New year

Get Fit
Did you resolve to start an exercise program of some sort?  You should and stick to it.  Try something as easy as walking at first and then pick up the pace.  Even walking will give you the energy to make the next move to something like aerobics, yoga, pilates or circuit training.  Make this year healthier by kick starting it with get moving.

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 3:1  "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:"
Another year of time and what will you do with it?  Why not make a resolution to attend church?  It is only 1 hour - one day a week.  It will make all the other time worthwhile.

On this day
1987 -  We had some friends that invited us over for New Year Day dinner.  They were Italian and they made a dish that was a crust of thick rice made in a huge pan and it was filled with pasta, meat, hard boiled eggs, and pasta sauce and then a top sealed it made of the same thick rice.  It baked for quite a while and when it was done they sliced healthy slabs of it.  You didn't need much it was really filling and delicious.  Haven't seen them in a long time I wonder if they would be happy to see me if I showed up today.  hmmm

1987 - A pro-democracy rally took place in Beijing's Tiananmen Square (China). Who can forget the one man standing in the middle of the street in front of approaching tanks?  

My daughter went to Chicago for New Years Eve with friends.  I'm sure you have the same thing with your loved ones, they call Mom and wish her a Happy New Year - or brothers or sisters, whoever you aren't with.  I stopped calling certain people because not all people stay up to see in the new year.  My daughter texted me at what was midnight here.  

Mykolaiv Ukraine  We have moved!

Mykolaiv is located in Ukraine

Mykolaiv (UkrainianМиколаїв Ukrainian pronunciation: [mɪkoˈɫɑjiw]), also known as Nikolaev (from Russian Николаев), is a city in southernUkraine, the administrative center of the Mykolaiv Oblast. Mykolaiv is arguably the main ship building center of the Black Sea. Aside from its three shipyards within the city, there are located a number of research centers specializing in shipbuilding such as the State Research and Design Shipbuilding Center, Zoria-Mashproekt and others.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Danny and Devon!

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