Tuesday, January 19, 2016

January 19, 2016 Tuesday #absandarms#compassionate#7yearsold#erniekovacs#brewery!

Get Fit
Abs and arms workout with Tamilee.  I use 5 lb weights for this but start out with one or three if you are beginning.  This works out the biceps, triceps and shoulders and alternates with floor workouts for your abs.  Do what you can.  MY wrists do not allow me to do tricep pushups, we all have our weak spots.

Get Faith
Psalm 145 vs 8 The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.  I picked this verse from here because it is also a verse in my favorite psalm 103.  It bears repeating and remembering.  God is good.  He loves you.

On this day
1985  This is my step son's birthday and in 1985 it was the first birthday I had celebrated with him.  He turned 7 and I had Andy, Alice, Merri and Lindsey and of course Mark's family over for his birthday.  I believe we gave him a two wheel bike.  He was very excited about expecting Nicole who was due in May.  He really wanted a little sister.  Happy memories

1957 - Philadelphia comedian, Ernie Kovacs, did a half-hour TV show without saying a single word of dialogue. I remember this guy and his show, I remember the monkeys and his mustache.  

Years go by so fast.  Aaron is 38 today, which is the same age I was on his 1985 birthday, the year I had Nicole.  He has 3 children, 2 boys and a girl.  I say, he wins!  Good job Aaron, good choices!  Love you.

Mykolaiv Ukraine

Other industries[edit]

Modern-built shopping mall in the Mykolaiv city center.
Electronic industries are located in the city. The enterprise "Zoriya – Mashproekt" manufactures equipment used in ships and products used for transportation of natural gas and generation of electricity.[citation needed]
One of the largest enterprises in the city is Mykolaiv Aluminia Factory, which produces aluminia, raw material for the production of aluminum.
In addition to heavy industry, the city has a developed food processing industry, including a juice maker, Sandora, a dairy products maker, Laktalis-Mykolaiv, and a brewery, Yantar. The enterprise Nibulon is one of the leaders in the Ukrainian agrarian market.
The Mykolaiv Armored Factory has been a large repair facility for Ukraine's military during the War in Donbass. Engineers at the plant designed an armored ambulance based on the BTR-70 to be used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.[21]
A lot of good infor here, what I picked up is the brewery, let's go!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Aaron and Katie!

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