Sunday, January 17, 2016

January 17, 2016 Sunday #gotochurch#Bahamas#curlilng#youthcurling#Ukrainians+

Get Faith
On my way to church this morning.  I split my time between two churches.  Today it is our family church.  On some days I go with Nicole, if she is home and drives, to her church of choice where she feels more accepted.  Today, because of her work as a camp administrator, she is doing a camp Sunday at a church on the west side, then going to see friends after.  So when left on my own I attend "my" church with "my" friends.  I love visiting other churches and feel strongly about churches being more supportive of each other rather than struggling for higher membership.

On this day
1980 - This is a sweet memory.  Linda are you reading?  Linda and I got a late invitation to the Bahamas - kind of a it leaves tomorrow from Toronto.  But the price was right so we both left work, took a train into Toronto, spent the night with friends that made this trip available and off we went.  Oh it was so nice to be laying on a beach chair by the pool in the warm sun in January.  Take me back
1795 - The Dudingston Curling Society was organized in Edinburgh, Scotland. Two things, my boss, Jim used to curl and I love Edinburgh but I never curled, how about you?

Another great bi-product of church is the youth church group.  Nicole went with the youth to a place in Windsor and they tried curling.  I still remember the laughter and great time they had, and I wasn't there.  Great job Bruce!  He was the youth leader.

Mykolaiv Ukraine
Ukrainians8,5 %29,9 %49,7 %59,7 %72,7 %
Russians66,3 %44,6 %31,0 %30,3 %23,1 %
Jews19,5 %20,8 %15,2 %6,8 %0,5 %
Belarussians0,2 %0,3 %0,7 %1,0 %0,8 %
Bulgarians0,1 %0,2 %0,6 %0,6 %0,8 %
Poles2,8 %1,7 %
Germans0,9 %1,1 %0,9 %0,1 %
I found this chart  interesting.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kaitlyn and Sharon!  

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