Friday, January 29, 2016

January 29, 2016 Friday #7tostayhappy#lament#choir#opera#camptunes#folkmusic!#happybirthday!

Get Fit
Photo: All About Wellness & Health - Be Healthy Mentally and Physically #wellness #healthSo there, now you know. 

Get Faith
2 Chronicles 35:20-27  Not something I am familiar with.  This talks about two kings that both seem to have God's ear and backing, but it was not Josiah's turn to be favored.  He died in battle but was remembered by the people for his devotion to God.  People sang laments in his honor commemorating the day of his death.  So we can say of those people that are faithful, they have the devotion of Josiah.

On this day
2004 All about music today.  I was singing in the choir at church this year and I really enjoyed it.  I am not a good singer and don't read music, plus I sing tenor.  So, I had to stand between really strong singers and follow their tones, if they hit a wrong note - well so did I.  I noticed during that time that I had better air when I exercised, walked or worked.  Singing is good for you and your soul.

1728 - John Gay's The Beggar's Opera was first performed at Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre, London. I bet anyone that sings opera gets a lot of air and has less breathing issues.

Nicole plays guitar and sings camp songs and has, for camp, for a number of years.  I always loved to see her at those campfires and hear all those teenagers singing praise songs to God.  NOW, that's good for the soul!

Mykolaiv Ukraine music

This is a great site to view a nice ethnic show.  Go to Ukraine music and watch some of the U Tube videos.  They are great!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable  Happy Birthday to DJ!  

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