Friday, January 22, 2016

January 22, 2016 Friday #disco#servicetoothers#busyinservice#resign#lovechildrenlove#education/religion!

Get Fit
Nothing like a little disco dancing with Richard to get you ready for the weekend.  You don't have to dance with Richard.  Find someone to go out to a place with a dance floor tonight and get moving!

Get Faith
Romans 12:1-8  A Living Sacrifice and humble service.  If you have not been going to church or being involved in "religion" the two things probably have you shaking your head and not in agreement I am guessing.  I am going to bet, if you are one of my friends, that you are doing both of those things, regularly, without thinking.  We all spend a good amount of time caring for our family and friends, we all share the gifts mentioned here - teaching, encouraging, giving, leading and showing mercy.  Many of you I know are very generous.  God knows you do these things and he loves you for it, but, He knows the person it benefits the most is you.  Not from a selfish point of view, but because it makes us better people to look out for others.  Thanks to God for opportunities.

On this day
1992 -I was the superintendant of Sunday School at St Paul's.  While Nicole was in school I went and worked on all of that business, helped mom set up tables for the Seniors meeting the next day.  After school I took Nicole and Joey (kid from across the street) to the craft store with me to get a baby blanket to make for a gift, stopped for a video for the kids, made dinner and called a couple friends and family after that.  I'm sure if you listed your days activities you would find similar things that you accomplished in one day as well, without thinking about it.

1992 - Rebel soldiers seized the national radio station in Kinshasa, Zaire's capital, and broadcast a demand for the government's resignation. I seriously think of doing this myself - everyday.

Who doesn't teach their kids stuff?  How to tie your shoes, pick up toys, get along with others?  We, most of us encourage our kids and friends to keep going you are doing a good job, I know you can do it.  We teach them to share, collect canned goods etc.  We set an example of leading by showing them how,what and why we do things.  We show them to care for others by doing that ourselves.  Children learn most of the basics from the examples of their families at an early age.  I think if it is a good scenario they carry that into school and on into adult life.  A bad childhood is where the rest of us have to step in and correct or pay the consequences.  We are our  brothers keepers.

Mykolaiv Ukraine


There are several universities in Mykolaiv. The main universities are: Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (leading shipbuilding university in Ukraine), Petro Mohyla Black Sea State UniversitySukhomlinsky National University of Mykolaiv and Mykolaiv State Agrarian University.
There are 10 higher education institutions in Mykolaiv of level III or IV accreditation. 65 general education schools, lycees, gymnasium schools, 3 evening schools, and 12 private learning institutions are in the city.



St. Pantheleymon Church

Mykolaiv is the headquarters of the Mykolaiv Episcopate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which has 18 churches (temples) in the city.
Mykolaiv is also the headquarters of the Mykolaiv Episcopate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate.
Religious organizations and other faiths are broadly represented in the city

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!
Happy Birthday to Diana!

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