Wednesday, January 20, 2016

January 20, 2016 Wednesday #diyyoga#love#snow#hero#truelove#safeguard

Get Fit
There is a 30 day challenge video on Google that you might want to try.  Set up your lap top on a coffee table, throw a beach towel on the floor, put on some soft clothes and give it a try in the comfort of your own home.  I have an electric fireplace that really makes it for me.

Get Faith
Song of Songs/Song of Solomon  4:9-5:1  "Eat, friends, and drink; drink your fill of love."(5:1)  The writer says that God is not mentioned once in this book, so the love poetry is about human physical love.  If you are looking for a verse for upcoming valentines day, this would be the place.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and true love makes everything in life better.  It will warm up your day, go on read it.

On this day
1987 - We had a snowstorm the day before so I took Nicole out to play in the snow.  She was 2 and we were out for an hour, I'm sure it was my decision to go in not hers.  She still loves to play in the snow.

1987 - Anglican Church envoy Terry Waite was kidnapped in Beirut, Lebanon. He was there attempting to negotiate the release of Western hostages. He was not freed until November 1991. Some people take the higher road to activism and pay the price, four years is a long time in prison for being a nice guy.  God will bless him.

I am not a person that is good on this topic.  I can only say what I have seen in others.  My brother and his wife have been together 30 years.  They put each other first, they don't always get along, their life is not perfect - but don't come between them.  My nephew Scott's family seem to have a corner on good marriage, with faith, children and good economics making a solid base for great marriages.  I am glad my niece/god daughter Lindsey married into this.  My friend Don had a great marriage and family life.  He had supported his family and took care of them and after his wife passed, he still keeps a good relationship with his daughters and the grandchildren.  Spouses and family are not synonymous, but children grow up and away and your mate, in a good fit, will still be there.  Read a passage of Song of Solomon together.

Mykolaiv Ukraine

Ukrainian military presence[edit]

Mykolaiv, being an important strategic city in southern Ukraine has a significant Ukrainian military presence, including the shipyards that build Ukraine's surface navy ships, the Mykolaiv Ukrainian Navy base, the "MARP" aircraft repair factory (Mykolaiv), and the Kulbakino army base (in the Mykolaiv Oblast, outside of the city of Mykolaiv).[citation needed]
Previously for many years after World War II the city had been home to the 92nd Guards Motor Rifle Division, the former 92nd Guards Rifle Division.  I suppose the rift between Ukraine and Russia makes this important.  Too bad it is relevant.  I feel the culture is so much more important.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Don! and Steven!

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