Wednesday, January 27, 2016

January 27, 2016 Wednesday # This is a reprint as I am out of town.

January 27, 2014 Monday

After an all nighter waiting for my daughter to get in from Utah, I'm having a hard time walking let alone exercising, maybe after a nap, or later that bicycle thing. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Hebrews chapter 12 - Jesus is the perfecter of our faith.  We can never live up to the standard he set, he knows that, but an example should be the purest form to follow don't you think?  The study writer shared an interesting point.  The southern cross, the stars in the sky, have guided many mariners on their paths, as does Christ's cross to our path.  Really, He gives us so many opportunities to follow him.

1992 - I was still working for Quality Picture Frame a couple days a week, to cover our family health insurance.  It is something you had to do then to have health insurance, not sure how well this new plan will work, time will tell.  Later that day after making dinner, I picked up Lynn for a Sunday School teachers meeting at church.  I was the Education Director at St Paul's then.  Lynn was a multi talented and wonderful person.  Her class was upper elementary, maybe 4th and 5th grade, it was always well attended, the kids loved her.  She came up with the greatest learning techniques!

Parenting - Have you all had that "please God, just let her get home safely" night?  The plane was delayed coming out of Detroit to Utah and consequently the flight back to Detroit was delayed - 4 hours. (They only have one plane that does that route, I guess)  Her flight was supposed to get in at 9 PM and didn't arrive until 1:15.  Then there was snow, 3" that came down between midnight and 3 AM., with freezing cold temperatures,   I caved and had her take a cab home.  It was after 3 when she got home.  She had a little nap on the plane, I spent the night wide awake, fighting off the cat that didn't understand why I was still up till that hour, unless it was to play with him.

Book club -  Going to add something here, I do read a lot, and recently joined a book club.  If your read, let me know some of your favorites and I will share here our pick of the month.  Currently we are reading "My Antonia" by Willa Cather, it is a classic about early settlers, some immigrants, that went out to Nebraska to make a life.  It paints a great picture of those times.

Vancouver - Just a few more days here - I like this write up:
  • Gay-friendly Vancouver

    Gay-friendly Vancouver

    Vancouver is welcoming to all people. Discover gay-friendly accommodation listings, information on LGBT events and neighbourhoods, and get a taste of just how full of pride Vancouver can be.

  • Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Nate and Sharon!
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