Saturday, January 9, 2016

January 9, 2016 Saturday #relax#divisivepolitics#Grandma'scake#flirt#collegeblues#Ukrainehero!

Get Fit
I decided to have a quiet morning with the paper and my coffee.  I have a hard time relaxing and it might be as important to your health as exercising.  I will work at it.

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 3:5b "a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing"  A  reference for this is from Amos 5:13 "Therefore a prudent man keeps quiet in such times, for the times are evil."  I'm taking this as embracing your opinions and it says a lot about our political times right now I think.   The climate of our news is better to keep still than incite anger and ill will against our friends and family.  It is a time to get your facts straight, and not be passionate about the fight rather than the reality.  This is a divisive time.

On this day
2005  this was Mom's 83rd birthday.  My friend Waynette and niece Lindsey came over for lunch and cake.  We had to have cake for Grandma's birthday.  Nicole had taken her to church and then had to go back to Albion where she went for college.  I was laid up after a heart catherization where the good/bad news was - we nicked your artery stay off you feet for a week - but you have NO blockages. I had never seen such a happy cardiologist with such good news.

1902 - New York State introduced a bill to outlaw flirting in public. Of all the news I saw on today, this caught my eye.  I wonder if it is still on the books and who reports the crimes.

I hated when Nicole went back to college - she did too for awhile.  Eventually she met friends and got involved with clubs and sports, etc and came home less and less.  My friends have had similar situations with their kids who are starting college.  A few of them actually came home after the first semester.  My advice is to maybe send your kids to a local college for the first year and then decide where they would like to go.  Eighteen and fresh out of a controlled environment (home) is not for everyone.  Save yourself some $.

Mykolaiv Ukraine
In March 1816, Admiral Aleksey Greig was appointed to the post of Governor of the city. While in that post until 1833, he did much for Mykolaiv. Port facilities were built. A credit society (cooperative) was established, and Mykolaiv increased its seaborne trade.[citation needed] Morskoii (Marine) Boulevard was built in the city, along with sidewalks. In addition, open men's and women's colleges were, built, as was a shelter. In 1820, Admiral Greig founded the Marine Astronomical Observatory in Mykolaiv. In 1826, he, for the first time in the history of the Russian Navy, set up the Russian Naval headquarters in Mykolaiv. The headquarters included fleet combat training during peacetime and the development of plans for military operations during wartime.[citation needed]    As you can see one person can make great strides in a political post 
that benefit the people.  Good for you Eleksey Greig!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Mom!  Tina T 

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