Monday, January 18, 2016

January 18, 2016 Monday #ballet#rightanswer#ecodoctor#secrets#tutu#shipbuilding

Get Fit
#balletsculptingworkout.  Go here and see if it is something you would like to add to your program.
I only have one video but it is a nice break from the regular routines.  Never know till you try.

Get Faith
Matthew 16:13-19  This is where Jesus asks his disciples who they think He is.  Peter answers "You are the Messiah, the Son of God".  Have you ever been in a Bible study and the Pastor or leader asks a question and you are sure of the answer?  Think about Peter blurting this out.  He knew (with God's help) that this was true, kind of inside information.  Now you have it.

On this day
1982 - I received a book of poetry from Dr Alex Blain.  He was very into the earth, animals and Indians.  He owned property across the lake from us and was the director of the Detroit Zoo for years I believe.  His poetry is wonderful - and takes me back to my childhood on Maceday lake.  I thought there were Indians that lived on his vacant property next to our house at the end of the island.  It has been many years and I am sure the doctor has gone on to the happy hunting grounds, but I still have his poetry.

1803 - Thomas Jefferson, in secret communication with Congress, sought authorization for the first official exploration by the U.S. government. I think this secret communication stuff is what makes us distrust politicians.  Still going on.

I would have loved to take ballet lessons when I was a little girl.  I was the tutu type.  I used to dance and pretend to be that ballerina.  Mom said I was very good - so I didn't need lessons, that they were for little girls that were uncoordinated.  (We lived on the lake and it was probably miles to the nearest studio).  That's ok, I am still a ballerina.

Mykolaiv Ukraine


61 Kommunara shipyard
Today Mykolaiv is a major shipbuilding center of Ukraine (as, earlier, of the whole Soviet Union) and an important river port. The city has three major shipyards one of which is capable of building large navy ships. Other important industries are mechanical engineeringpower engineeringmetallurgy and last 10 years – food industry.
Mykolaiv was closed to foreign visitors until the late 1980s because of many clandestine Soviet Navy projects (as well as the Mykolaiv Air Force base, turbine factory and military port). The majority of the Soviet Navy's surface ships including its only aircraft carrier, the Kuznetzov were built in Mykolaiv.
In May 2011, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych visited Mykolaiv and said that Ukraine is serious about reviving and further developing of its shipbuilding industry in the Mykolaiv region.[20]  And now you know.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Jenny!

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