Thursday, January 7, 2016

January 7, 2016 Thursday #newyoga#dance#castoff#caughtdancing!

Get Fit
Got a new yoga on line class.  Already did the dancers legs exercises so maybe later this afternoon I will check out the yoga with trainer Nicole.

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 3:4b  "a time to mourn and a time to dance"  I read this as a suggestion to get on with life.  Take time to mourn, remember and heal from the loss of a loved one - but then get back to the living and dance.  The Bible mentions dancing a number of times.  An expression of joy, as an amusement, entertainment - do some dancing today to show your joy to be saved.  God is good!

On this day
2003  My boss got the cast off his ankle that he broke months ago.  He wouldn't stay off of it or do the many things they told him to do - so it took weeks longer than it needed to - not too mention he was at least 100 lbs overweight.  He wasn't an easy going guy in the first place. Does this sound like someone you know?  You have my sympathy and if it's you - straighten up!

1610 - Galileo Galilei sighted four of Jupiter's moons. He named them Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.  I didn't know this, wonder where he got the names.

My Mom taught me to dance.  At the weddings and parties that kids used to be invited to, when there was a dance floor and a real band - but sometimes at home in the living room.  She taught me to waltz, swing and polka.  I love to dance and so did she.  Her husband Bob, a bachelor till he was 51, was a great dancer and they danced whenever they had the chance.  My daughter and I dance too.  Once we were dancing to Glen Miller in front of the living room window and a girl from her team went by and saw us.  Nicole didn't care and she loves to dance too.  My friend Don and I took lessons but it seems the only place we can dance is at the lessons.  lol.

Mykolaiv Ukraine
File:Mykolaiv in Ukraine.svg


The city's climate is moderately continental with mild winters and hot summers.[5][10] Mykolaiv's average temperature is 10 °C (50 °F). The lowest average temperature is in January −3.1 °C (26 °F), the highest in July 22.3 °C (72 °F).[10]
Mykolaiv has an average of 472 mm (19 in) of precipitation per year, with the lowest precipitation in October, and the most in July. Mykolaiv has snow cover every year, but its height is low.[10]
Average relative humidity is 73% for the year; the lowest humidity is in August (60%); the highest in December (86%).[10] The lowest cloud are seen in August; the highest are in December.[10]
The prevailing winds come from the North; the least frequent source of wind is the Southeast. The maximum wind speed is in February, the lowest is from July through September. In January, the average wind speed is 4.1 m/s (meters per second); in July, the average is 3.1 m/s.[10]

Enjoy the Day !  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Arnie!

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