Wednesday, January 6, 2016

January 6, 2016 Epiphany #agewise#weep/laugh#yumyumyum#memories#ecology!

Get Fit
I worked out with Jillian this morning.  I have learned that at my age it is ok to try and keep up and I don't do bad but I don't do it all.  I just watch the last two circuits.  Do what you can!

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 3:4a "a Time to weep and a time to laugh,"  Life is all about happy and sad, good and bad days.  I am a strong believer in laughter, it heals and comforts.  Here in the Bible we hear there is a time to weep and a time to laugh, God knows we have those times and helps us with the knowledge that he has the answer to all of our concerns.  So go ahead and weep and remember God has a plan for you to be happy as well - keep your faith intact.

On this day
2000 My neighbor Rox was in Florida and I was taking care of her cat.  I have most often had a cat and a dog so I am accustomed to animals.  When I went to feed Buddy he must have been extra happy to see me and hungry.  I gave him the canned cat food and was amazed and rewarded with him singing while he ate"yum yum yum, yum yum yum."  Never heard a cat do that before.  Exciting enough to mention in my journal!

1896 - The first American women’s six-day bicycle race was held at Madison Square Garden in New York City.  I wonder if Jillian was coaching them?

I think part of the grieving after losing someone is remembering.  It hasn't been a month since I lost my Mom, so now instead of going to see her everyday at the assisted living - I am remembering - all the good times, the vacations and the shared years.  When she was alive I sometimes remembered the bad times we had, but now I can't bring one to mind and always see her waving goodbye with both hands and a big smile.  My memory is being kind to me.

Mykolaiv Ukraine


Mykolaiv's environmental issues are typical for many cities in Ukraine: pollution of water, the air, and groundwater; drinking water quality, noise, waste management, and conservation of biological diversity in the city.[7] One of Mykolaiv's most urgent problems is the disposal of solid household waste.[8]
The city has 18 preserved sites, totaling about 12 square kilometres (5 sq mi):[9]
  • The Mykolaiv Zoo (considered one of the best zoos in Ukraine);
  • The monuments of landscape art: Park Peremohy, Petrovsky park, 68 Paratroopers Park, Square, The Sivašskij, The Boulevard Bunker, Linea (Line) Park, Pioneer Parque; Lenin Komsomol (Communist Youth League);
  • The Botanical Natural Monument Memory Square;
  • The Dubki Reserved Nature boundary;
  • The Balabanovka Forest Reserve;
  • The October Reservoir Hydrological Reserve;
  • The Turkish Fountain Hydrological Natural Monument;
  • The Dubka (oak) 4 Botanical Nature Monument.  
  • Nice to know we aren't alone in our ecological strides and problems.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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