Monday, January 11, 2016

January 11, 2016 Monday#lift!#forgetit#rhubarb#memories#bias

Get Fit
I started the week with weights.  You can too:

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 3:6b  "a time to keep and a time to throw away."  I think of past experiences when I read this.  I am sure there are many things this could relate to, but for me I remember a lot of the past because I journal and because of that I can tell you, some things are better forgotten.  Maybe you should let go of an old memory that is holding you back or keeping you awake.  Good advice from the Word.

On this day
2011 - This is a memory for my friend Don.  I was layed off and we went out to the dealership to have his oil changed and then went to Partridge Creek California Kitchen for lunch.  I am crazy about their Moroccan Chicken Salad and now so is he.  We hit snow going home, we got 4" on this day.

1770 - The first shipment of rhubarb was sent to the United States from London. Something else I really love, especially with strawberries in a pie!  Thanks London.

Before Mom died I was reading my book Come Get These Memories of the Sixties to her.  I would ask her when I got to some sections, "do you want to remember the time...." and she would say "no you can skip that part".  Most of the book she really enjoyed, our family outings and vacations, funny things that happened, but somethings she could throw away.  We went on way past the sixties making memories.  Guess I will start the 70's.

Mykolaiv Ukraine
Mykolaiv was major Jewish centre of Russian Empire in the 19th century.[citation needed] In the 19th century, the Czarist governments had largely banned Russian Empire Jews from living East of the Dnieper River. Mykolaiv is in the area west of the Dnieper, which was were Jews were legally allowed to reside (the legal area of Jewish residence was known as the Pale of Settlement). The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson(the seventh leader in the Chabad-Lubavitch dynasty) was born in Mykolaiv on 18 April 1902. This is an interesting point about how the Russians treated Jewish people.  It also explains why business did so well there.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  

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