Thursday, January 14, 2016

January 14, 2016 Thursday #stretch#lookthroughthelight#change#celluloid#home#writing#justice!

Get Fit
I did a nice and easy stretch video this morning. It works your head to your toes and really feels good, well most of it.  At my age not everything likes to get stretched.

Get Faith
Psalm 36:5-10  "For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light."vs9   God sent His light in His Son Jesus the Christ to show us the way.  The message writer I am reading reminded us to look though the light at life, always up and always as a Christian.  Just do the best you can. As with anything, it gets better with practice.

On this day
1976  I had a regular hairdresser, Head and Hair that did my LONG hair for years.  It was on my way home, so, convenient.  There was also a girl that worked at Quality, her name was Eileen - that I barely remember, I think she was older, maybe you remember Chris?  Our lives can settle into a regular routine because of our location and then it can change. My hair places have changed often.

1873 - John Hyatt's 1869 invention ‘Celluloid’ was registered as a trademark. I would not have guessed this would be at such an early age.  I associate it with film and cartoons.  I probably don't have a full concept of it.

I have lived in my current home for years, because I am happy here and I can't really sell it.  This has been Nicole's home all of her life, she hasn't always lived here, but it is home.  You know.  When I was a kid we moved - a lot.  At night when I can't sleep I try to remember walking through all of those houses and fall asleep.  Do your homes in your life bring pleasant memories or not so much?  Maybe you are like Nicole and only call one place home.

Book Club
I am starting to get my thoughts together for my second book - so, I'm not reading.

Mykolaiv Ukraine
In March 2012, Mykolaiv gained international notoriety for lawlessness and police corruption following the rape and murder of Oksana Makar.[14] Her three attackers were apprehended, but two were released because of family connections to local government officials. After a media outcry and public protests, all three attackers were charged with her murder.
During the Euromaidan protests, Mykolayiv was the scene of anti-Yanukovich protests. After the victory of Euromaidan, the situation calmed down somewhat until 7 April 2014 when some pro-Russians tried to take over the local administration building. As a result, the pro-Ukrainians stopped them from taking over the administration building and destroyed the pro-Russian camp not far from it, after which the situation in the city became definitively calm.  This is bringing us to a more current history and what we have seen between Russia and the Ukraine.  Good information.
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  

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