Tuesday, January 26, 2016

January 26, 2016 Tuesday #donotbedetered#fromthesource#sponsor#Michigan!!#listen

Get Fit
I did some arm and leg weight lifting today.  I couldn't get the tv/video thing going again - thanks AT&T.  But I didn't let that stop me - picked up my weights and worked from the workout sheet I have.  Don't get talked out of exercising.  A woman on TV yesterday said her mother was always fit, she marched in place while cooking or did some squats while waiting for the kettle to boil.  Be inventive and keep moving!

Get Faith
Galatians 1:11-24  This is St Paul telling his story of revelation in faith, from Jew to a follower of Jesus Christ, to the Galatians.  He tells that the truth was revealed to him, not through other disciples, but by God through Jesus Christ.  He had no connection with other apostles for three years before he approached Peter.  No wonder his faith was so powerful.  We too can pray for a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthen our faith.

On this day
2003 - Nicole and I were sponsors for Lisa and Mike joining our church.  We knew Lisa from the last church we attended and they were planning on getting married and looking for a new church.

1837 - Michigan became the 26th state to join the United States  Heard this on TV this morning before it died on me.  Happy Birthday Michigan!

Reading back on this I feel bad that I didn't stay in better touch with Lisa and Mike.  That is what we are supposed to do as sponsors.  I hope that I would do a better job in the future, like my friend Gerry. She had the best grip of parishioners knowledge of anyone I knew.  She called, visited and kept touch with many people from church and kept them in the fold that way.  Good job Gerry!

Mykolaiv Ukraine

Mykolaiv region Radio Stations

very surprised when I looked this up.  See for yourself.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Pastor Sarah!  

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